Chapter 23

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"Ok, I'll see you when you get here..." I told him and then hung up the phone. And then looked at my sister. "Alright get your bag Rosie we going to go wait for some of my old friends..." I told her and then grabbed my bag (s) and she got hers. We then walked over to the road. Once I saw them coming I handed Rosie my bag with my cloths. "Tell them I'll be there soon, I have things I half to do.." I told her and she nodded her and and they stopped the truck and I began walk off.

"Pepper where are you going!?!?" I heard Soda yell after me. I turned back and looked at him.

"I just have a few things to do!!" I yelled back at him. I did I needed to think. I don't know why Pony would talk to me like that. But as I walked down the sidewalk there was a hand on my shoulder. I turned and look, it was Soda. "What?" I asked him.

"Come one let's go home..." He told me but I just looked at him.

"I cant, I need time..." I told him. But he just looked at me.

"Ponys gone to school, he not gonna be there..." Soda told me.

"I just need time to think, I'll be back before dark...." I tell him then try to walk off agian but he stops me. I turn and look at him with sad eyes. "Please just give me time..." I begged him and he let go of my shoulder.

"Be back before dark or I'm gonna hunt you down..." He told me and I nodded my head and began to walk all day.


And as I turned down one street I saw Pony and Two-Bit.

"Pepper!" Pony yelled when he saw me. But I turned and started to walk a different way. And i could hear him run so I ran into the DX. I know Soda isn't here, but I don't know about Steve. But as I ran into the store I ran right into Steve causeing us to fall to the floor.

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