Chapter 25

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He just looked at my for a minute and then turned and faced away from me

"You..." He said in a low vocie.

"Wh-what?" I asked him in complete and uder shock.

"You... I'm in love with you..." He said Turing and facing me this time. Then a small smile came to his face and he kissed me agian. And i shoved him off agian.

"Why do you keep doing that?!?!" I yelled fall back a few inches after shoving him. He then took a few steps closer grabbing me and pulling me closer to him.

"Because, I love you..." He tells me pulling me into a kiss and I couldn't shove him back do I had to kick him to get him to let go.

"Stop! I don't love you!" I yell at him and he looks at me in shock. "I told you I love Ponyboy and there's nothing you can do to change that, and he might not love me anymore I don't care..." I say.

"But I do love you..." I heard Ponyboy say. And i turn and see him standing behind me with Two-Bit standing in the doorway.  I then turned and looked a Steve.

"You knew he was standing there?  And you didn't say anything!" I yelled and he looked away. I then walked past Pony and shoved Two out of my way and walked outside and past the pumps. Then just sat on the curve. Then some Soc car just had to pull up and five guys step out. "Just go away..." I tell them standing up and walking away.

"Aww... What's wrong grease?" The tallest one asked and I just rolled my eye and keep walking away.

"Get her!" One of them yelled and I took off running. Running this fast it wouldn't take me long to get the house. As i got to the house the gate was closed so i had to run fast to get speed so i could jump over it. But as i made my way over it my foot hit the ever edge of it cause me to roll and fall. They stopped and looked at me and laughed. And at first i though they where going to open the gate when Pony and Two came runnin up causeing them the run off. Pony quickly opened the gate and ran up to me.

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