Chapter 28

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"And is this first house you have came to or you just going up and down the streets?" I asked.

"Oh... well..." the officer that was talking said.

"I see..." I say and them sat the rag on side table. "Well if we see anything well make sure to call you..." I tell them and they nodded and left. That's the point where I walked up and shut the door. I made sure they where gone before I turned around. "And that's how that's done!" I say is a proud vocie and we all laught.

"Liein to the fuzz, gettin more and more like us each day...." Two said after the laughing died down.

"Hey, you better be careful or I'm not makin you no more cakes..." I tell him and he backed off causeing more laughter, but that stopped when Rosie walked in rubbing her eye with her hand. I walked over to her and picked her up amd held her up on my hip. "Did we wake you up?" I asked her and she rested her head on my shoulder. And i smiled at her and then there was a ding. "There's cake do you want some?" I asked her and her head shot up.

Pony then walked into the kitchen and I followed him still holding Rosie. And when I got in there I sat her down on the counter and helped Pony getting the cake out and on a plate and putting the icing on. Once we finished I cut out a small pice and put it on a plate and walked over and hades it to Rosie then got her a fork.

"Who is that?" She asked me pointing to Ponyboy.

"That's Ponyboy..." I tell her and she giggled. "Hey, it not nice to laugh at other name..." I tell her and she stopped laughing.

"Sorry..." She tells me and I smile at her.

"It's okay..." I tell her and she smiled at me and began to eat her cake.

"He's really cute..." She said pointing to Pony and he smiled. And it made it even better that she said that with cake all over her face.

"I know..." I tell her. "Two the cakes ready!" I yell forgetting he was waiting for cake.

It didn't take him long to run in and take a slice as big as almost half. But I stopped him because others would want cake too. After Two got his cake and about his third beer Soda came in and got a pice a cake and ate it.

"Oh, Pony Darry wanted up to clean up the yard a pit... so we need to do it why'll the sun still up..." Soda told Pony and they walked out the frount door and into the yard. Leaving me with Steve alone. But there was still Two-Bit.

I looked at Rosie and she still had cake all over her face, so I got a rag and cleaned her up and then carried her into the living room to find Steve sitting in the arm chair and Two past out on the floor.

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