Telling him (bradley)

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You just got home from the store with a nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach.
You took off you're shoes and hang your coat then all sudden you saw Brad running downstairs towards you pulling you in his arms as he hugs tightly.

"Oh my god Y/N thank god you're home I woke up this morning and you weren't there I thought you left me." Brad saids as he looks at you and pecks you're lips.

"I never leave you baby never but I need to tell you something important."you said with a small smile.

"What is it?"he asked as he took you in the dining room to sit down.

"You took a deep breath and sit down"

"Okay last night was amazing but this morning I woke up with you're arms wrapped around me I couldn't be more happier, then after a few minutes I felt sick then, I got up thew up then after a few minutes it happened again so I decided to go to the store and. buy a pregnancy test then I couldn't wait any longer so I took it and it say positive then I came home to you to tell you I'm pregnant and if you don't want this baby right now then. I will walk away from your life right now keeping this baby because this baby means so much to me and I lo.." you said but you're were cut off by Brad kissing you.

"Then he pulls away and rest his forehead against yours as he looks in your eyes"

"I love you and I love this baby and I want to be part of this baby life and take care of both of you and be there, and show everyone I have the best family in the world I need you and I alway will I promise." Brad saids as he rubs your belly and kiss your forehead.

"Really brad you want this baby?" You asked happily.

Yes baby girl I want this baby girl or boy I want it." Brad says happily.

"really?"you asked again as he pulls you up so you can go to the couch then, he pulls you down on his lap and rest his hand on you're stomach.

"Really I can't believe I'm going to be a father I'm so excited to meet this little one."Brad saids you kissing your cheek.

"I love you brad I can't wait to have this baby in our arms." you said happily.

"I love you too Y/N and I can't wait either." he saids as he holds you tighter.

"Keeping you and your baby safe in his arms"
I want brad to have my kids........okay that sounded more then I wanted but oh well 🤷‍♀️

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