Going into labour and giving birth (tristen)

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You and Tristan are putting everything together for the baby bag. You're 3 days away from your due date and you couldn't be more excited, and Tristan feels the same he can't wait to hold
His baby in his arm, he just as excited as you are.

"Babe where are those towels you're talking about!" Tristan shouts from the bathroom.

"The little yellow ones that are in the cupboard." You say from the bedroom.

"I know but I can't find them!" Tristan shouts again.

"Alright I'm coming." You chuckles but quickly stop when you felt something run down you leg and a sharp pain in your stomach.

"Tristan!!" You shout and Tristan comes to you quickly.

"What's wrong?" Tristan asked worryingly

"I think I'm going in labour." You say breathless.

"Okay I get the baby bag." Tristan saids as he grabs the bag and help you to the car.

You and Tristan are the car driving to the hospital, you're breathing fast as a sharp pain hits you, Tristan grabs your hand and you squeeze it tight.

"You and tris are now at the hospital. Tristan rushes to your side and helps you out and puts you in a wheelchair and wheel you inside to the front desk"

"Hi my wife Y/N evens is labour." Tristan saids quickly.

"Okay let's take her to the room." The nurse saids as she wheel you in the room with Tristan very close to you.


"Is been eleven hours and you're still have no baby yet, but you trying to stay clam as Tristan palace around the room"

"Tristan this hurts." You says as another contraction hits you and Tristan ruses to you and holds your hand.

"I know baby but very soon we have our baby." Tristan smiles which makes you smile.

You and Tristan decided on having a water birth because you think is more natural then a regular birth.

"Another 10 hours hit and the doctor said you can get in the tub and have a baby"

"Okay Y/N start pushing." The doctor said and you start pushing.

"AHHHHH!!!" You scream In pain.

"Tristan I can't do this I can't." You say with tears in your eyes.

"Yes you can I know you can. You are strong." Tristan saids wiping your tears away.

"Alright Y/N one more big push and you have your baby." The doctor said.

"AHHHHHH!!!" You scream then you heard the crys of your baby.

"You held your baby in your arms"

"Awe tris is a girl." You say

"Really?" Tristan said with a smile.

"No is a boy." You smile as you watch him run around the room happily.

"Awe he so cute." Tristan said once he calm down.

"Yeah he looks just like his daddy." You smile which makes him smile and kissed your head

"I love my family." Tristan smile.
Is a boy!!!!!! Yay tris got his dream ❤️❤️

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