Bringing home your baby (bradley)

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"And This your home where you grow up." You spoke softly as you and brad bring baby Emmy home for the first time.

"Shall we give her a tour of the house." Brad saids as he watch you holding Emmy with a smile on your face.

"Yeah we should." You smile back at him.

"Okay this is the living room, this is where daddy and your three uncles will be when a football game is on."you giggle as brad give you a glare.

"After a few minutes you and brad made it up to her room"

"And this is your room, this is where me and mummy will spent a lot of time together with you, for bedtime and book reading. Is perfect for our perfect baby girl." Brad saids as he kiss Emmy little forehead.

"Brad I don't want to put her down I just want to hold her and be with you." You say as hug her and kiss her chubby cheeks.

"Then don't stop holding her, come on let's go downstairs and gush over her." Brad saids as leads you both downstairs.

You and brad go in the living room and sit down on the couch, Brad sits by the armrest as you lean your back against is chest, as Brad wrapped his arm around your waist. You lay Emmy on your chest as she sleeps peacefully as you kiss her head gently.

"She's perfect Brad." You say as you look up at him and smile, and press his lips to yours and kiss you short but passionately.

"I know she's perfect just like mother."Brad smiles.

You smile and kiss his cheek.

"I love you and I love Emmy so much." Brad smiles at you both.

"And we love you too." You smile.
Aw so adorable 😍😍😍

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