Telling your family (James)

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"BABE I"M GOING TO STUDIO!" James shouts from the front the door.

"OKAY HOLD ON! you shout back.

He waits by the door confused of why he has to wait, then he saw you walking towards him.

"What's wrong baby nothing wrong with the baby?"he asked worrying.

"Nothing's wrong James I'm just telling you that my parents are coming over today around 10:00AM, by the way I'm not telling I'm pregnant till a later so they don't get to excited just in case something happens, and to kiss you good bye" you smile and kiss him.

"Okay I love you" James saids then pecks your check.

"Love you too." you smile As he walks out the house.

"Is now 10:00AM and your parents arrived, and you been talking for a few minutes"

"so how you and James been doing." your dad asked.

"We been good everything is perfect." you smile.

"That's good love anything new?" your mom asked.

"Um no nothing new."you lied.

"After 30 minutes of talking James walk in the door not paying attention"

"Babe I want to the store to buy some food and sweets for you, but then I walk in the baby aisle and I saw this cute little onesie and so I bought it for our baby and I also I bou....."he stops
when he saw your parents looking at him with their mouth opens.

"YOU"RE PREGNANT! your mom yells.

"Yes I am I was going tell you guys but I was going to wait a little longer so nothing happens a little later on."you said.

"Aw our baby girl is having a baby with the the man we adore" your dad saids as he hugs you both.

"I'm so happy for you two" your mom hugs you both.

"Then you guys spent hours talking about baby Mcvey"
I can see this actually happening James will forget 🤦‍♀️

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