Going into labour and giving birth (james)

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"You and James are in the kitchen making food together and you two days over you due date and it hasn't annoyed you yet and you been hungry a lot and you are feeding for two kids so James can't really say anything"

"After you and James finished cooking, you felt something leaking down your legs then you felt a sharp pain in your stomach then you grab James shirt and hold it tight and deep breaths"

"Babe you okay." James asked worryingly.

"James my water just broke I'm going in labour." You say taking deep breaths.

"Okay um alright hold on Wait here and I get the stuff and put it in the car." James saids running in the living room and grabbing the baby bag and running to the car with it.

"Then James comes back to you and picks you up and take you to the car"

"You breathing heavily, Then James grabs your hand and kiss it"

"Babe this hurts so bad." You said as
Another connections hits you.

"I know baby but we almost there then we will see our babies." James saids calmly.


"You and James made it to the hospital and James helps you out of the car. Then puts you in a wheel chair and wheel you to the front desk"

"Hi my girlfriend is labour." James saids breathless.

"Okay sir clam down what's her name." The nurse asked.

"Y/N L/N." James saids Slowly.

"The nurse writes down the paper then wheels you in a room"

"After a hour later. You and James are
In your room waiting to be fully dilated and last time the nurse check you're 9 dilated, you're and James have decided on having a water birth because you birth think that's natural way"

"James this hurts so bad." You say breathless.

"I know baby but it get better okay." James saids as he wipes your forehead with a wash cloth.

"After another hour went by and you felt like you needed to push"

"Alright I get the doctor." James say as runs out the room and gets the doctor.

"After a few seconds the doctor came in along with James side him"

"The doctor check you and you are now 10cm decided"

"Alright let's put you in the water."
The doctor said.

"After a few minutes. You are in the water about to start pushing"

"Alright Y/N start pushing." The doctor said.

"AHHHHH!!" You scream in pain.

"James this hurts." You say breath less.

"I know baby but you're doing so well come on baby you can do this." James says kissing your head.

"Alright one more big push you have you're first baby." The doctor said.

"AGGGHH!!!" You scream, the you hear a sound of baby crying.

"Congratulations you have a baby boy." The doctor said happily.

"Oh my god." You said as you hold him close to you chest.

"My baby boy is here I'm so happy." James saids as the nurse took him to get clean

Alright Y/N let's a wait a few minutes because you're second baby is not ready to come out yet." The doctor said.

"20 minutes later and you feel like you need to push"

"Okay I'm ready." You say to the doctor

"Alright Y/N start pushing." The doctor said.

"AHHHH!!!!" You scream in pain again.

"Is okay you can do it keep pushing." James saids as you keep pushing.

"Then you hear another cry"

"And here you're baby girl." The doctor saids as you grab her and put her on your chest.

"Our baby girl." James smiles.

"Yeah I'm so happy." You say as you give her to the nurse so can get clean and be with her brother.

"Me too my family." James smiles.
The twins are here yay

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