Going into labour amd giving birth (connor)

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"Three weeks. three weeks you ware three weeks past your due date and you ware getting annoyed everything annoyed you, and Connor try everything to help you but nothing work"

"Hey beautiful." Connor saids as you walk in the kitchen which makes you scoff.

"I'm three weeks past my due date and is your fault." You scoff as you grab a bottle water from the fridge.

"I'm sorry love I wish our baby come now I really do." Connor said with sigh.

"Yeah yeah whatever Connor you know what I....." you begin but you cut yourself off by water dripping down your legs and a sharp pain in your stomach.

"Connor I'm in labour." You say breathless.

"Yes finally alright I got the bag In the car let's go." Connor saids as he help you to the car.

"You and Connor are in the Car on your away to the hospital"

"Connor it hurts so bad." You griping on his hand.

"Is okay baby we almost there and we well have our baby girl." Connor smiles kissing your hand.


"You and Connor reached to the hospital and Connor runs to your side and helps you inside then he puts you in a wheelchair and wheel you to the front desk"

"Hi my wife Y/N is labour." Connor saids breathless.

"Okay sir what's her full name." The nurse asked.

"Y/N Ball." Connor saids

"Okay let's get her in the room." The nurse saids as she wheels you in a room.


"Is been 7 hours now and you really getting more annoyed"

"Connor I want this baby out of me now." You say annoyed.

"I know baby I wish I can take your pain away i really do." Connor saids taps the wish cloth on your forehead.

"Yeah, yeah right." You scoff which makes Connor sign.

"Another hour and you felt like you needed to push so Connor rushers to get the doctor. Then doctor comes with Connor very close behind him.

"Alright Y/N it looks like you're ready." The doctors smile.

You sigh and Connor walks to your side and holds your hand.

"Alright Y/N push real big." The doctor saids and you push really hard.

"AHHHH!!!" You scream in pain.

"Is okay baby come on you can do it."
Connor saids holding your hand.

"Con I'm sorry I been a shit wife to you don't hate me for yelling at you." You cry.

"Is okay baby is fine I love you it doesn't matter okay just keep pushing." Connor saids and kissing your forehead.

"Alright one more big push." The doctor saids.

"AHHHHH!!!" You scream In pain
Again then you hear a sound of crying.

"Here she is your baby is here." The doctor said handing the baby to you.

You look at her and gush over her.

"Connor look she beautiful." You say happily.

"I know I'm so proud of both of you." Connor smiles and kiss your head.

"I'm so happy." You smile.

"Me too my family." Connor smiles.
Connor has he's baby girl ❤️❤️

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