Fans (bradley)

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"You and brad were at a nice restaurant having dinner, you and brad have decided to go out a bit before the baby comes so you and brad have some time alone because your baby girl makes her appearance"

"You and brad were sitting in a circle table booth because you and brad wanted to be really closer to together"

As you guys eating, every few minutes Brad would grab his fork and grab some of foods and pull it close to your bump as he feeding the baby, you would chuckle and pecks his cheek. Then brad would put his drink close to your bump as he letting her drink his drink.

"But little did you guys know that their were fans looking at you guys and snapping pictures of you guys"

After dinner, you and brad went home and got in you're guys pajamas then you guys lie in bed as Brad grab a book and starts reading to your guys baby girl, Brad was the cutest when your pregnant, as Brad is reading, your phone keeps going off so you grab it and see why twitter is blowing your phone up.

"You click the notification and saw picture of you and brad, when brad was pending to feed your baby girl, you smile and read the caption"

'Saw Y/T/N and @thevampsbrad
At my favorite restaurant and I have to say they are the cutest couple in the world, and I know for sure their baby is going to be lucky to have parents like them congratulations on your pregnancy!!!!'

"You smile and show brad, brad smiles and saids"

"I love how the fans are so supportive it makes me happy that they are."Brad smiles.

"Me too I'm so happy for that too." you smile.

"I can't wait to meet our baby girl."brad smiles.

"Same she going to be so perfect." You grin.

"Yep she is our baby girl." Brad saids happily.
Aw brad feeding and reading to his baby aw he's adorable 😍😍❤️

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