Telling your family (bradley)

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"Babe what happens your dad kills me for getting you pregnant because we're not married yet!" Brad said for the 100th time.

"You roll your eyes at his worryingly"

"Brad for the 100th time my dad isn't going to kill you, he would be happy for us, he always say he wants us to have kids together." you said with a grin.

"I know I know but I just can't help but to worry that's all."Brad said and quickly glanced at you

"Don't be brad it would be okay besides my family loves you so nothing to worry about." you smile.

"He nods and smile, then grab your hand ,After a few minutes you and brad are at your parents house, you get out and walk to your parents house hand and hand, you knock on the door and your mom opened it"

"Y/N i miss you." you're mom saids as she hugs you tight.

"I miss you too mom." you smile as you both pull away.

"Brad! I haven't seen you in while." you're mom saids as she hugs him.

"Is good to see MRs Y/l." Brad saids with a smile.

"Come on loves."you Mom saids.

As you walk in, you see your dad sitting on the couch watching T.V.

"Hey daddy." you said as you hug him.

"Hey love how are you." your dad saids.

"I'm great how are you?"you asked and bring brad closer to you.

"I'm great darling."your dad smiles.

"Hello MR Y/l."Brad saids as he shakes your dad hand.

"Hello Brad is good to see you."you dad saids.

"is great to see you too." Brad smiles.

"After a few minutes of talking to your parents you and brad look at each and nod"

So mom,dad, me and brad have some news" you smile and hold brad hand tightly.

"Ohh what is it" your dad asked.

"Me and Y/n are happily to say we having a baby."Brad saids excitedly.

"A baby we going to be grandparents oh we so happy for you two."your dad saids as he hugs you both.

"My baby are having a baby, How far a long are you?" Your mom asked.

"4weeks." you smile and hold brad hand tightly.

"Oh that's amazing how you feel brad?" your dad asked Brad.

"I'm excited I'm having a baby with the love of my life I can't wait to meet him/her."Brad smiles as he kiss your temple.

"Aw I'm so happy for you two." your mom smiles.

"You both smile. Then after a couple hours of talking, you and brad went home and fall asleep with brad resting his hand on your stomach protecting you're guys little baby Simpson"
Aw so freaking cute I can't take it 😍😍😍😍

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