Morning sickness (Connor)

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"You are now on your knees and leaning against the toilet throwing up while, Connor sits down on the floor next to you rubbing your back gently holding your hair up, you finish getting sick"

"after you flush Connor pulls you down on his lap holding you close to him, as he rubs your belly and whisper sweet nothings in your ear"

"How you feeling baby girl."Connor asked.

"You nod your head slowly then
Lay against his chest after a few minutes in comfortable silence"

Connor picks you up and take you to the bedroom then, he lays you down and put the blanket over you then. he gets in the blanket also then he pulls you close to him then you lay your head on his chest while he runs his hand down your arm holding you close to him.

"It would be so worth it towards the end." you smile.

"He nods and pecks you lips softly, then you both fell asleep in each other arms"
Aw sweet Connor so sweet❣️❣️

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