39- Indepth thinking.

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The sound of the world was garbled and warped as I held my breath. The new kind of silence was becoming normal as I closed my eyes to cutting off the vision before me.

But my minds eye then came into play. All I could see was her.


Her long brown hair, the little dress, her small features. Exactly how I envisioned her. It was hard to explain the emotional attachment I had found with a baby that was smaller than pineapple. A baby that I never truly met and would never have the chance to. But when I heard those words, a power hit into my soul and I turned from being alone to being a mom. The motherhood spirit had attached itself to me and I was ready.

Then it all happened...

The sense of loss, the tears, the pain. It felt so much worse than losing Cody. Then I was alone again.

I imagined blue eyes marvelling up at me. Full of excitement and love. I felt that back.

She was here, although she was in my mind, I had a clear vision of what she was like as a small child. Not a baby. But as a 5 maybe even 6 year old.

I tried to reach out and touch her, but I couldn't. Which causes an ache so bad in my chest that I wished it away.

My little girl.. Her eyes glistened before they moved down. My eyes then followed, and came to stop. On my stomach. Much like the vision in the museum, I had a rounded tummy. There was no mistaking what kind of tummy I was supporting.

Was my desire to be pregnant again? To be married? I didn't think it was but that mirror couldn't lie, could it? This had to be something I wanted, but it was buried deep down, so deep in fact that I didn't know it even existed!

Zak had questioned my mood for the rest of the day, but I couldn't tell him what had happened. I couldn't let him tell me that it wasn't real. That the daisy being left on the path wasn't a sign, a message. I had to believe it.


I would have gave her the world. I would have walked across hot coals with broken legs. I would have done anything—

Pain surged around my waist, the image of Amelia flickered and with a pull, the world burst back into my silence.

Air shot through my system as I gasped at it, opening my eyes as Zak's yells and hands grabbed at me.


Water ran down my face as I looked at him, fear stricken eyes watched me as I took a breath.

His arms tightened before he pulled my face into the crook of his neck. "Oh thank god, thank god."

I didn't understand what was wrong, I was just in the pool. I could swim...

But you weren't. You were just there. Under water. Thinking..

It dawned on me how it must have looked and my arms slowly wrapped around Zak's neck holding him back.

"What the hell were you thinking? I thought... Christ." He spoke pulling me away to inspect my face.

"I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry."

"Don't ever do that, I called for you and then I find you in the pool. I... You're still clothed."

It was true.

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