51- Heaven

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11 months later..


"No, it's Da Da.." Zak's voice replies, as I make my way through the house and towards the kitchen where the endless baby babbling and Zak's voice echoes off the walls.


"Listen, if it's going to be anything, it's going to be Da Da okay? We had an agreement, we spoke about this..."

I grin as he gets a squeal back, followed by Zak's light laugh. "Okay, I got this... Say.. Da. Da. Go on... Da-"

Just as I step into the kitchen a squeal reaches ear blistering level making me wince and Zak raise his shoulders in an attempt to shield his ears. The small face turns a shade of red from the effort before small chubby hands bang on Zak's arms.

"What are you two up to?" I enquire, alerting Zak to my presence. He turns his body towards me and grins. My heart does a flip at his face as well as the smaller figure in his arms.

"Guess who is back?!" He gushes lifting the baby up onto the pair of chubby little legs.

"Hey baby." I coo crossing the room to greet the pair.

"Baaabaaharr!" The baby yells up at me as I scoop the bundle off Zak's lap and nuzzle in kisses before plastering one on Zak's lips.

"Hey." I whisper pecking him again before settling on the couch beside him.

"Hey yourself, have a nice time?" He enquires picking up the ends of my hair to access my haircut.

"I did, although I was eager to get back, so I skipped the whole setting stage. I just wanted a wash and cut."

He nods "It's a nice length.." His hand runs over the back of my skull before his fist closes slightly making my lips curl. "Still a good length to grab."

"You know it." I smirk before glancing down at the small weight on my lap. "And how is my favourite boy?"

"I'm doing great." Zak replies making me giggle. "Me and Tyler have just been discussing his language barrier, you know, the whole barrier on saying Da Da."

I laugh softly and nuzzle my face into the scent of baby powder and baby friendly washing detergent. Instead of a soft coo back from my little boy, I'm given a grunt and a tug at my top.

11 months ago, after a 15 hour labour and a lot of screaming, Tyler Bagans graced the earth with jet black hair and a pair of sapphire blue eyes. He had my nose and ears, but he was his daddy, though and though. The pair were inseparable and I was often left out the midnight parties that sprang between them. Zak was all for the nights, which I presumed was because of his job, but even when he didn't need to be up, he would slide out of bed at the second and maybe the third cry to go and get our little munchkin.

I won't lie and tell you we were the perfect parents, god no. We argued over some of the most stupidest of things, like who was bathing Tyler that night or which side of the bed he was being placed. To end discussions, Zak brought two of the baby beds which attach to our bed and made the agreement that whoever woke first, got to snuggle with Tyler. It seemed I wasn't the only one who loved to be woke by the soft coos and snuffling.

I was absorbed in the two most important men in my life and I wouldn't have it any other way... Although Tyler and Zak took up 98% of my day, I still found myself wondering about Cody and sometimes even Amelia. Wondering how old she would be, what her favourite colour would be and how long her hair would have grown. It was a small thought process that never seemed to age. But I guess that's the magic with imagination, sometimes, you'll just never know when it stops.

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