42- Together?

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"Do you plan on sitting over there or..." Zak trailed off making me glance at the space beside him on the couch.

Since returning to the house I had been looking for a way out. Not a way out of the house, but a way out of having a conversation, that I really didn't want to have.

"Talk to me, Leah. What's going on?" He questions making me shift in my seat and twist my fingers.

What wasn't going on?

"I... I can't really explain it. Not without sounding crazy." I reply causing his eyebrows to rise slightly.

"Okay.. Then just tell me what's happened and we can work from here?" He suggests.

My shoulders drop and I eventually nod. "Okay."

He sits forward, his hands clasped in front of him waiting patiently as I try to put into words exactly how I feel and what has been going on. Because coming out with it, with everything was a quick ticket to being called crazy... Right?

Glancing into his sky filled eyes, I give a sigh and begin. "I... I had an experience. At the museum."

He doesn't speak and waits for me to elaborate further.

"When we were stood looking at the mirror. I didn't see us, I lied. Well I did see us but not how you saw us.. That bit I lied about. I'm sorry."

"What did you see that was so important that you couldn't tell me?"

But before I could answer, he gasped "A baby."

"Yes. But not just that... I saw Amelia."

"Saw?" He questioned. "Like a scan?"

"No... Like a 5 year old. Like a child I imagined her to be. E-everything seemed so real." I wiped my hands against my jeans.

"What else did you see?"

"Um. Well, I uh. I saw us, Amelia and..."

"And." He pushed again.

"And a baby bump. I- I was pregnant."

His face doesn't move as I begin explaining that I didn't want a baby, at least not yet and I knew his views on children. They were fun, as long as you could give them back. I also knew he idolised his nephew, as well as his niece. "And I know what you're going to say, you're going to say that you don't want children and if I'm completely honest with you Zak. Neither did I after Amelia, it was too painful but what if.... What if I am and this is a message?"

I watched his chest rise and fall "Do you think it is?"

I shrugged "I don't know."

Shifting slightly, he reached behind his back and tossed the test onto the coffee table between us "Only way to know if it's a message or not, is by doing the test."

The offensive item sat there staring at me, waiting to be opened but I couldn't. "I know it is. But not right now." I decide and hastily get up to escape the lounge and conversation.

He knew, he knew what I saw and now he's trying to determine if it's really a message or if in fact it's crap. Either way, the answer is going to invoke a level of emotion that I'm not sure I'm prepared for.

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