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~"I'll make you pay."~

I breathed out a sigh. Again.


"I'm a graduate in corporate law, took a course in business management and I am well versed in several languages, French, Spanish and-"

"Korean. Yes, I see it in your resume and as impressive as it is, I'm afraid we can't hire you."

~"I'll make you pay."~

"May I ask the reason. "

"To put it lightly, you are not what this company is looking for."


Turned down everywhere I went. One after the other. No one would hire me and I had a pretty good guess why. He managed to turn everyone against me, but there was nothing I could do to stop him.


"Passengers, please remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop. Thank you."

I did end up getting a job, eventually, but not at a place I was hoping for. I was an assistant to an event planner. Which was fun, but not my forte.

The job wasn't what I wanted, but it paid the bills took me to places and had me experiencing life I would never have if I had gotten a job at a firm.

A couple of months later, everything changed.

I was called the underdog in my first competition- ranking 9th in the finals. 5th the following year. This will be my third competition and I'm hoping to bring home the medal. I've worked really hard, harder even and until it starts up again I plan to keep on practising, this time I will be flawless.

"Have a nice day."

I stood up to get my things from the overhead bin when suddenly I hear a small ding.

A message

Sender- An Unknown Number






╭                                            ╮

Don't get off the plane

╰                                            ╯

Mystic SongTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang