XXVII | All in One Day

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My brother wasn't too pleased about the whole thing when I explained it to him. I didn't like the thought much either. The next day, he took my place to meet the thief at the mall, but the hoodlum was a no show.

All in all the week hasn't been so bad. I'm doing better now. Zen taught me to meditate, and let me tell you, its like letting all burdens just slide off you like a warm shower after a rough day.

Of course, it doesn't change the fact that everything still isn't alright nor do the problems go away, but it has helped me think clearer.

"Do you have to go?"

"Well, I can't stay here all my life."

That hits the spot.

"Why not?"

Aiden, being the over protective brother he is, wanted me to come stay with him and Daphne right away. Even if that meant me and my father staying under the same roof for a while. Eventually we agreed I'd go on Saturday since dad had to leave on business this Friday evening. And would you look at that, it's Saturday.

"Zen, I had to leave some time."

"Does it really have to be today?"

"What's today?"

"A surprise."

"I don't like surprises." I shake my head slightly, sipping on my coffee.

"You'll love this one."

"And if I don't?" Out of curiosity, I do start to wonder what he has planned.

"Oh, you will."

"But if I don't?"

"Lunch on me for a month."

Tempting. Very tempting.

That's enough of that. "Want a cookie?" I offer one of my chocolate chip cookies while he's busy.


Here's the thing, Zen, out of nowhere, has asked if he could make my hair.

"Dipped or not dipped?"

"Dipped." I take one out and dip it into my coffee and-

Well you see, he has his hands full combing the thing on my head they call 'hair' at the moment. Don't ask me what roused him to do this. All I know is he thinks its pretty.

The courteous thing to do right now is to feed it to him. No big deal.

"I can't believe it." He says, finally pulling my hair up, for what I'm guessing, a ponytail. From his reflection in the mirror I can make out a smile. "It actually tastes sweeter."

"Yeah, I think I put too much sugar. Sorry." I apologize, not wanting to make the morning uncomfortable or anything.

I have a couple of thoughts on this. And sometimes that's the problem with me, I overthink things, but this is a well thought out observation here. Zen has changed his tone with me, how he behaves and how he communicates.

Instead of being flirty and using cute nicknames, he does this.

Casually wanting to comb my hair? Subtly calling me sweet.

And this all makes me feel...?

I'm not even sure, really.

It can go both ways, if you think about it. He might just think I can't comb my own hair, and he can't be seen in public with me until I'm more presentable- or he just feels sorry for my lack of hair combing abilities.

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