XXIX | Two Steps Back

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After the whole breakdown and Nathan incident, things have been pretty quiet. So much so that it's beginning to bother me.

Practice, of all things,  has been tougher lately.

“Minette, focus.” The coach calls, as I nearly slam into one of the sidelines. I manage to swerve out of harm's way just in time. “Why don't you try that jump again.” I'm about to ready my position to do just that but,

“I don't see the point. We're just wasting our time.”
That one lousy comment throws me off balance and I end up falling over my own two feet.

A pain shoots straight from my ankle and Coach Hunter quickly skates over to me, “Is it broken?” he asks while trying to inspect, being very careful. I don't know how I keep doing this.

“I think it's just a sprain.” I reassure him.

“This is the third time in the last two weeks. You need to be more careful or you're not going to be in any condition to compete.”

“Do us all that favor.”

Okay, I admit. The last couple of weeks haven't been my best, and if I keep this up I might as well not compete. But seriously woman, if you have a problem with me, that's your problem. Like does she think I'm doing this on purpose or something? That I mean to be this bad? That I want to literally ‘break a leg’ when the competition is so close? I'm doing my best with what I have left.

But I don't say anything.

My mother hired this woman with full confidence and one intention, to get me better; though ever since she got here I haven't really been progressing much and her little pokes, well, It's not even constructive criticism anymore.


I look over my shoulder and find Coach Bridget stomping towards the rink.

Coach Hunter skates in front of her blocking her way.

The two, usually, cool, calm and collected coaches engage in a very loud discussion before Celest's coach steps aside to face me directly, a certain look of anger sets firmly on her face, “You must of done this.” It's shaky, her voice, but accusing nonetheless. “You wanted to be number one so bad that you got rid of her.” Maybe it wasn't just her voice, she was visibly shaking, but can she really believe that I had anything to do with Celest's disappearance? After everything, can she really believe that winning means so much to me that I'd go so far and  get rid of  the competition?

Well, sour crumbles!

She can think whatever she wants. Accuse me of whatever she's made up in her mind because I frankly don't care what she thinks. I don't care what anyone thinks at this point. And I sure as chocolate don't have to prove myself to anyone who thinks I would even consider doing such a thing to another competitor nonetheless my own friend.

So, you know what she can ramble on all she wants. She can have a fit. She can run around the city announcing this lie for all I care, but if she thinks it'll change anything, she's wrong. It changes nothing.

“Madame Alzbeta, I don't know why you put up with her. Your talent and experience is wasted here.”

“It's not that I agree with you. I've been planning this for a while and I have to say-" Madame's gaze turns to me. "- that you are a lost cause at this point.” Is she walking out on me?
“I'll inform your mother upon reaching home."

I was doing just fine without you, so big whoop. I push myself off the cold ground, almost stumbling because of the pain. “You do that,” is all I say as both the women exit the rink, leaving Coach Hunter with a concerned look on his face.

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