X | Just an Act

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Eck~ “I can't believe she found out.”

I can't take another bite of this.

I place the bowl of boiled beans on the side of the chair, knowing full well I have to finish it, I take it up again, stabbing the fork in two at a time. Reluctantly chomping down on the fork letting my teeth slide them into my mouth, without touching my lips, as if that would make it taste any less bland.

“Well, well, I haven't seen you around here before, gorgeous.”

I don't need to look up. Frankly, I don't care. I grumble, stabbing the fork down onto a couple others. Don't even know the guy and he thinks he can talk to me. The nerve.

Am I in a griping mood? Yes. Eat these and tell me otherwise. Nonetheless, everyone already warned me about this dude. So I ignore him.

“Hey, the director wants to talk to you.” I don't reply, mainly because I am too preoccupied figuring out how I'm going to finish all this.

“Yeah. She's no fun anyways.” Be goneth!

I hear a chair skid actors from me. “He didn't say anything out of line, did he?” Yeah, I hear him, but these beans. Who cooked these anyways? It has no flavor.

“The person who told Eun about this…” I trail off letting my threat to the unknown person sink in. And to be frank, I have no idea what I'd do to the person, but I'm being expressive here.

I got an idea.

“Hyun,” I say in the sweetest tone, gaining a raised brow from him as he looks at me questioningly. “Could you eat this for me?” I give him the puppy dog eyes. The best I can do.

“Now, you know I can't resist that face as it is, but I think whoever told on you had your best interest at heart.”

“Did you tell?” I narrow my eyes at him.

“I would have.”

“Meanie.” I slump in my chair and continue my bland meal. To make matters worse Eun's going to be checking on all my money transactions.

I rub my temple.“Gah, I need another job.” I vent out.

“You do?”

Oh. Was I thinking out loud?

I sit back up straight. “Well, yeah. I guess.” I shrug. “It's no big deal. Forget I even said anything.” You shall disappear dear bean. Will it and it may happen. Or so I'm told.

After a moment of silence and several reluctant bites later.

“Let's go.” he pulls me out of my chair.

“Where to?” I follow right behind him.

“Play rehearsals. I'm all done here anyways.”

Oooooooh. Yes!

We get to his car. “Hurry up and finish that, so we can leave.” I stuff a mouthful of beans in my mouth , eventually and quickly finishing the whole thing.

“Not that fast. You're gonna choke.”

“Don't you worry your pretty head about me, let's just go.”


“O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

Deny thy father and refuse thy name.

Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love.”

“This play isn't Shakespeare's, you know that right?”

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