XIII | Anyone's Game

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“Do you need help with that?”

My gaze unmoved from the laptop screen.“I'm just reviewing it before we submit it.” I shrug. This is no big deal. He doesn't say anything, but I sense that he hasn't moved either. “ You have a raid today, don't you? I can handle this.” I assure him.

Yoosung, like the professor said, is exceptional. We're definitely getting a good grade on this.

“You remembered, huh?”

Yup, it turns out Yoosung is a gaming addict. He's been on about it since that day at the library. We're just finishing up the assignment at his place. I mean, we finished it and I'm just going over it.

“Can I get you anything?” Sweet, sweet Yoosung.

“Yoosung,” I raise my head to face him. “Go.”

“I can't.”

“Why in the world not?”

“You're doing all this work and it just doesn't seem fair to you.” I sigh. It wasn't supposed to be this way, welp~

I shake my head and without a word, I get up from the floor, turn the sweet bean around and guide him to his computer. “Now, if I see you move from here to assist me, I'm leaving and taking all your gaming equipment with me. Understood?”

He just nods and well, that's good enough for me.

Yoosung just cares too much for his own good. I mean, if I told him to stay up all night to watch wrestling for me and fill me in the next day while I get a good night's sleep, he would. Not that I would ever tell him to do that, or even watch wrestling for that matter, but that's just the way he is.

Mind you, he's no push over, just extra considerate, where he can be.

It's because of this perfectly great quality of his, that I have to be a bit, well, mean.

He knows I mean well and if he doesn't then um, I should really remember to get him something to make it up to him.

The best thing I can think of is something to eat, but this can't be just any kind of food.

Time for a favor.

I make the call and order.

Forty minutes later and the doorbell rings. “I'll get it.” I shout, getting up from the floor. I like to work on the floor. Anyways, I walk to the door and take hold of the food, placing it neatly on his table.

I was going to shout out to him to come, but decided against it. Don't want his guild thinking he has some uncultured ill mannered monkey as a friend.

Yoosung has done this often enough for me to know that once he's in the zone, it's hard to simply shout it out of him, so there's that.

Therefore, I walk into the room and there's a girl...on Skype. I mean, all I hear is her voice. I haven't looked at the screen yet.

Madam Boss Lady?


“Oh, hello, Min. I didn't know you knew Yoosung.”

Someone joins the video chat and-



What is going on?

“You all know each other?” I ask, pulling a spare chair up so I can sit on.

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