XXXI | Setting Things Straight

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"To new beginnings."

"To getting a good grade."

"To being safe and sound."

"To not getting shot this time!"

"Wow, that took a turn, Y/n." Insensitive me spews out.

Mc smiles before letting out a good laugh, "Yeah, I know, but it's a nice addition to toast."


Sunbeams stream in through the large windows, pretty chilly in the cafe this afternoon, but we were all together to celebrate the end of this painfully long and exhausting chapter in our lives. Everything is slowly falling back into place and I can't begin to explain how relieved I am to have only skating on my mind.

Maybe not only skating, but I'm just so relieved.

Speaking of which, Celest is an absolute pro. The next thing I know she's up on the ice again, in her words, "A little friendly competition is always fun." Geez, like trying to up the current champion isn't a task on it's own. And to be honest, there's this part of me that doesn't care if I win. Don't get me wrong, it'd be great, I love skating, but after everything that's happened I'm just happy we're able to have these lazy afternoons with all of us together with some emblem of peace.

Though, winning would be fulfilling my all time dream. It's also exciting with all the hype in the media and the interviews everyone's been giving, literally has me jumping out of my skin for the upcoming weeks.

It's actually pretty weird, I'm not angry at Rika for keeping Celest from us. Actually, seeing how it turned out, I'm glad it was her and not some crazy war lord with an axe to grind. Yeah, she gave us all first degree anxiety and A-Grade insomnia for it, but Celest was never harmed, except from when Nathan took her. Those goons and that lousy good-for-nothing, got what they deserve, it's going to be a snowy day in the Sahara before they get out.

Our afternoon, with and when the arrival of one very handsome upcoming very famous celebrity , who I lovingly call my boyfriend, will get this whole day started.

"Any idea when Zen is going to get here?" Yoosung pulls up a chair next to mine, bringing over some cookies, courtesy of Madam boss lady. He isn't asking me directly, but talking over to everyone.

"He said he's just wrapping things up. To give him twenty minutes." Since I just messaged him, I should know.

We're all set for a surprise Jumin put together to get us all in one place and until Zen comes none of us will know what it is.

But no one seems bothered by the wait. The Sae-Sae brothers are over at the table with Mc. Jumin seems to be going over some things with Celest and Jaehee, likely work related, and Yoosung just leaves me here to try to get a hint to where we're all headed.

Well now.

Since I'm just here.

I open up my phone.

|How long?|

|Miss me already?|

|Of course <3|

Almost immediately,

|Soon, princess 😘|

I didn't know that something so simple could make me smile like this. Is this something that everyone goes through? Do we just smile into our phones, looking like complete dorks. Is that what liking someone so much it hurts is like?

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