XX | The Folds

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My body limp, tired and sprawled across my bed. Eyes weak and refuse to open. Head throbbing, like pounding it with my palm would actually help it feel better. All the while the obnoxious sound of my alarm rings constantly in my ear. Covering my head to muffle the sound does not work.

This is all because of yesterday.

Yesterday; after Zen messaged me and explained what he said as he left. It was to give whoever it was, if someone was actually there something to be scared about. That Zen will be back. But of course that wasn't what happened. Though Zen told me to call him if I need anything; I still spend all night, restless. From searching the house to waking up to sounds that made me jump in my bed. I don't know when I finally fell asleep, but I'm relieved I did. I could live without the headache though.

Sluggishly I turn and sit up. My feet dangling off the bed for a while before I finally get some strength to wash up and get ready to start another day.

From looking in the mirror I can tell the bruises are hardly noticeable now, but that also gets me thinking. Did he ever ask anyone else? For a long time I have been avoiding the topic with Zen because I'm just not sure how much it concerns him. And that's just it, I see it concerns him, but he never asks. After that day he hasn't even mentioned it. All he does do is give a sympathetic look without saying anything.

I lift my gaze to stare straight at my eyes.

If it isn't one thing, it's the other.

I slap some makeup on under my eyes and call it 'okay' I don't look like a far off relative of a racoon anymore.

My phone's alarm goes off again, because I failed to turn it off the first time. The noise annoying as it is, but it's amusing since I got it from a clip of 'Despicable me' it's the sound of minions making siren noises. Usually it isn't that bad, but today I'm just not in the mood.

I walk over to my side table to turn it off and soon enough I find myself scrolling through different social media platforms while I decide if I want to go downstairs and make breakfast.

Same old, same old.

|Director Kwan and Minette...

Famous actor-singer Zen seen with the mysterious woman known as and named Minette...

Sl*t .




She was just using Zen.

Petition to never let this woman near Zen again.

This woman is toxic.

#save Zen.|

Lol. What?

If not anything else, I would get a good laugh out of all this ridiculous comments, but-

I pause for a bit, not really thinking anything, not wondering anything in particular, not reflecting, just existing. Not angry, but empty.

Maybe for just a moment.

I can forget what's going on.

Forget how I'm keeping it all inside. Slowly crumbling the very foundation of my endurance.

The threats, the person who tried to choke me, the nightmares, the anxiety, the rude, absurd and sometimes obscene comments.

Should I be affected by all this?

"I don't want to be." to my core, I don't want to be, yet, some part of me let it seep through at some point. These, all this should mean nothing, because the people making the threats, typing all that hate mean nothing to me.

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