XIV | Color Me Pink

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“Can we get a picture?”

Today marks the day the cast has to officially start publicising the movie. Right after we shot the new scene, we all went out. Well, the cast was supposed to all go out together, but Zen and my gut rightly went against the idea of me staying at the set with only the director. So, I tagged along.

This is a usual thing for us, but the paparazzi’s a new addition.

I wonder, I really do wonder how they found out where'd we'd be.

Of course, I don't.

They were given a tip, as they call it, to come here because welp, you guessed it, publicity.

Plus, today Zen and Yun are supposed to make it seem like they're a couple, or whatever. Aren't there rumors of her having a very real boyfriend? Doesn't everyone already know she does?

Anyways, it's a traditional publicity stunt, that I've gotten all too tired of witnessing. Once fans begin to ship their Otp, it somehow becomes mandatory to feed that craze, ehm~ obsession, ehm~ ehm~ dedication. That's the word. I am guilty of similar practices, like I ship people, famous and not- mostly not famous, it's just so much fun. Then those non famous people think I'm loony and promise to send me for special care, if I refuse to stop.

They haven't send me yet and I still refuse.

I look over to Zen and Yun and they really are professional actors. They're keeping all those cameras busy just by sitting all cosily close to each other.  Just talking, drinking a smoothie… I want a smoothie. Making their pretend romance look very real and subtle. They're just acting. Very good acting.

“Typical, don't you think?”

I'm not really paying attention, which is rude, but I do hear him. Omg! Where did she get those shoes? They're gorgeous!

“They do make a pretty good couple though.” He sounds very ‘sensitive’ about it. I side glance at Jii as he drinks what smells like beer. It's in a can and from this angle I can't really tell.

“You know she has a boyfriend, right?”

“Yeah, but I'm just going by looks. Do you really think a guy like Zen would ever go for anyone less than her? Any one, you know, like an average, non actress, non model girl?”

Why do I feel personally attacked by that comment?

“Zen doesn't go for a girl simply based on her looks.” I defend, this was also an attack on his integrity.

“Do you really believe that? Tell me you wouldn't completely lean towards a guy based mainly on his good looks.”

“Looks is a factor, but it isn't the only thing that matters. I'm shallow, I mean we all are to an extent, no hiding it, but if someone with a great personality stands out. That can be the winning factor.”

“So, if I'd ask you to be my date for the premiere?” he trails off, not sure what kind of answer he's expecting, but this feels like a trap and I do not appreciate being manipulated.

So that's what it’s all about. “Don't we have time until we have to worry about clothes and dates?” mostly clothes. I try to maneuver around it in the nicest way possible.

“You have no idea how quickly time flies in our line of business.” He takes another gulp of beer. “So, do I have a date?”

My throat dries up a bit, even though I just finished half of my strawberry smoothie.

I know I have to be honest. It's something I pride myself at. Not shying away from it, but I know I have to be careful how to use it. Jii is a sensible, understanding guy, he'll get what I'm talking about. “I'm actually planning on going alone.”

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