VI | Only Time Will Tell

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"Can we continue this some other time? I really need to be somewhere."

I know he does, at least that's what he explained before we started. He apologies and he wouldn't be doing this unless it was important, and from all the dedication he put in it and interest he has, this coming from all the questions he had asked me over the phone. I'm pretty confident he's being sincere, but-

"We just got started, literally, like fifteen minutes ago." It's still a crazy load of work.

"I just have this thing."

"Yoosung, you agreed to work together. Four days ago, if you would have pulled out then I could have arranged something, but now there's just no way. I can't do it myself."

"I'm so sorry," He starts collecting his things off the table. "How about we complete the assignment back at my place?" He suggests, setting his chair back under the table.

Does he not understand the whole reason for coming to the library?

Eyeing all the work scattered in front of me.

I can't afford to take up all this load.

"Fine." I sigh in defeat as I collect my things.

We take the bus, the best and most convenient way to travel. No, not really, but I have a budget and I'm completely depleting it with all the junk food I've been buying. What can I say? When you're on a strict no sugar, unsaturated fat diet, with mild proteins supplements and weekly actual good, then getting a taste of the good stuff, it makes you desperate for more. If Eun ever finds out, my tush is toast.

In the midst of the drive, I decide to message Celest.

Going to complete the assignment at his place.

I'll be at the rink by 7.

K, but you

know you don't have to inform me

of every single place you go

Just in case.

In case what?

You know.

Paranoid much?

When you've read the

kind of cases I have

in excruciating detail

and seen the most graphic images

you can imagine,

you'll be as 'cautious' as I am.

◇ Celest's Pov ◇

Someone really needs to take her dad's old case files from her. It's bad enough that she has the annoying habit of reading the symptoms of different illnesses online. It's good to know, but she tends to get overly worked up and thinks she has some rare exotic disease when it's just a migraine.

I'll track your location

I send her a smile, trying to comfort her. She's a good friend and if that's what it takes for her to chill out, I really don't mind.

Ever since her first competition, she's been a bit of a standout. For the obvious reasons, but that's not how we became friends. We actually met at this Comic-Con, believe it or not, she was dressed up as Black Widow and I went as Wonder Woman. She pulled it off really well, but there was one distinct thing about her that she carries to this day. She has this menacing aura that repels the creeps. And it's that aura and attitude that got rid of a stalker for me.

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