XII | Evening the Odds

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He really didn't have to.

I hardly know the guy and he barely knows me, even if it's out of common courtesy, why do it?

Why go through any trouble at all?

I shift my head on my pillow, facing my phone on the bedside table. Reaching over to check the time-

3:05 AM

As my gaze scans my notification bar,

Hey, beautiful. Message me when you get home. See you tomorrow.

[8:45 PM]

Give me a call when you get home.

Got something to tell you.

[9:17 PM]

Conflicted.  That's how I feel. Should I just wait till tomorrow?

I find myself staring at the contacts screen in my hand. It's late.

I click on Zen's details, catching myself looking, quite attentively,  at one of the pictures he sent me. My whatsapp picture folder is just full of selfies he sends, gifs and my cat- Sultan, that my mom sends me from time to time.
The one I applied, is a pretty laid back picture of Zen.


My heart beats against my chest. What did I just do?


How did I end up calling him? My phone is haunted. Concluded and Confirmed.

“You there?”

“Uh, yeah.”

“Everything alright, you sound nervous?” he asks with a voice of concern.

Silently taking in a breath.

“Yeah, I'm good.”

“What's wrong? Can't sleep?”

“Yeah and I just saw your message.”

“Oh. Right.”



“You said you got something to tell me.”

“Wait? I thought-”

And so I wait as I hear clicking happening on the other line.

“Sorry, that was meant for someone else.”

“Okay. So, “ let's not make this awkward.

“How's play rehearsals?”

“Not exactly great.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know what, forget about it.”

Well thanks for making me curious.

“So, beautiful. How's working for Jaehee?”

“Can you say ‘best boss ever’! I mean, she's so understanding and considerate and so willing to get one hundred percent involved, regardless the task.”

“She did work for Jumin, so she knows how hard being an employee can be. Speaking of Mr.Trust fund, he's mentioned meeting you.”

Oh no.

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