V | Schedules Ready!

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Hi, everyone!
Just here to say that the Amazing person that Celestial-Red is, has been contributing a great deal in helping me to complete this chapter and without her input I honestly don't know where this book will stand.
She's a great person and deserves so much support and love. (So if you stumbled upon this book by accident, You definitely have to go check out her books!)
She's been helping me sketch out and add depth to this and the chapters to come.
This is also to say a big thank you to her and everyone who even takes the time to read this book.
Take care

“Missed me already, princess?”

I'm speechless.

It's not entirely because of  Zen being on the line, when I expected someone else, no. It's because where does he come off calling me princess?

I raise an eyebrow as I stared at my phone as if it were an alien object.

“Zen?” My tone, a questioning tremble.

“Yes, beautiful?” He answers casually.

“You know it's me, right?” He might be confused or something. “The girl you met today, at the set, eating pizza with sauce all over her face.”

I hear him give out a low chuckle, “Yeah.”


“Okay. Um-” What now? Think. Think! THINK!  

“I'm hungry, Zen.” I mutter out, sounding kind of whiny, now that I think about it.

Wait. No- that sounds so wrong I mean yes, but still no.

I don't get an answer for a while. I bite the inside of my lip, waiting.


Then he right out laughs. He laughs.

“I can come over and bring you  something.”

“Aren't you still at rehearsals?” I sit up from my bed.

“Yeah, but they can survive a couple of hours without me.”

“All I wanted to know if you have the number to a fast food place.”

“Okay, I'll send it to you. Ask for that visit?”

“Don't bother yourself.” I try to brush it off.

“There, sent. And remember, it's never a bother.”

“Uh, thanks, Zen. See you.”

“Can't wait.”

Well, that didn’t go as expected. I hang up and look down at the caller ID.

How in the world of marshmallows did I get this mixed up? Can't even push the right button. How even?

Frustrated that I didn't get any answers and so unwilling to go through that kind of stress again, I toss my phone on my bed and lay there, staring at it.

For a good, I don't know how long, I just stare.

My eyelids begin to feel heavy and with one good yawn, I wrap myself in the blanket. My eyes shut for the night with one final thought.

Can't give anyone that kind of power.


“Okay, ladies and gentlemen that's it for today, remember your assignments are due after two weeks.”

Mystic SongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon