XXIII | Her Little Girl

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After my brother and his wife drove off to the hospital in their car. Jumin kindly brought me here too. Since everything's alright, I can properly say goodbye because, at some point in the evening earlier Jumin mentioned that Mc was still in the office. She is so hard working, I applaud her. He mentioned her wanting to get as much done as possible.

I, however, am planning to stay to see my cute little niece when she comes and like Aiden mentioned, it might take awhile.

“Good to see your friend with a shirt on.” A rather rude comment passed by Aiden as he comes up to stand at the side of me. How can he just bring that up right in front of my friends.

“Aiden! Rude much.”

“I just said it's good to know he owns a shirt.”

“Of course he owns a shirt. Several actually. Now, say you're sorry.”

We glare at each other for about a good minute before he lets out a defeated sigh, but he still looks happy. “Only because I'm in a good mood and it's hard saying no to my daughter's guardian.”

Say what now?

“Aiden, you didn't!”

“Of course. You're the only other person in this world that would take care of my daughter the way I would.”

“Should I be flattered or offended?”

“Definitely flattered.” Confident as ever I see.

“I don't know what to say.”

“You don't really have a say. We knew you wouldn't turn down the offer.”

Why must you make it so hard to thank you.


“Hold that thought I'm getting a call.”

I excitedly turn to my friends.“You know what this means everyone, don't you.” My friends completely befuddled by my enthusiasm.

No. Nope. No one gets it.

“Bunny ONESIES!” Just imagine a little human with a big head, basically a chubby chibi in a bunny onesie. How cute is that!

It's a funny thought actually. Does that make me like a guardian mommy? That's… That's- That's terrifying actually. But what am I thinking? By the time I shake off the bad vibes, My brother's back after his call.

“You should head back now,” Aiden says with a hint of agitation, looking away from me when he does Okayyy ~

“What's wrong? Daphne's okay, right?” In a voice hinted with panic, I ask. “Don't hide things from me, Aiden.”

“If you'd wait for me to answer, Geez. and Yeah, she's fine. But-”

“Aiden, spit it out then.”

“Dad's coming.”  Shivers run through my body. The mere mention of his arrival brings a lump to my throat.

“What? When?” Dad's coming now?

“There's my beautiful little girl.” And before I know it two arms wrangle around the joints of my shoulders and I'm being hugged to death. Seriously, too tight.

In a sudden move, she turns me to face her, and kisses my forehead.

“Oh, dear.”

“What?” having the bewildered look on my mother's face staring at me, is putting me on a whole new level of stress.

“Oh, nothing. Just a little lipstick on your face. Nothing-”

“Mom! No!”

“Stop fussing.”

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