XVIII | Pain and Panic

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I didn't mean to. Ugh~

I explained it to him and everything, well, not exactly on that because that would mean that I'm thinking about it and I can't be thinking about it, even though I am. Clearly, I made my point across- no getting cosy with me. I still wonder how he ended up on the floor this morning?

But I embarrassed myself.

I should just let it go, but no.

No, I didn't mean to kiss you, but I did. I get emotional when I'm sick and it's so hard to act like I didn't do something, when it's all I'm thinking about. How embarrassing. I should just crawl under my blankets and lie there forever. How can I show my face to the world!


I did it again, didn't I? “You okay?” my sweet blond friend looks at me with a face written in worry. No, sweet friend, I'm not, I completely made a fool of myself.

My response isn't immediate. I just need time to process.

“This is the third time you zoned on me. You sure everything's okay?”

“Yeah. Why you ask?” because you zoned out on him three times, idiot. Little too late for realizations.

“Min, I understand you're stressed.” his face suddenly beams with delight. “ and you know how I deal with stress?”

“Uh, video games?”

“Video- oh. Yes! C'mon!”

Before he gets up, and there's no bringing him back, I grab his arm. “Oh no, cutie, you're not going anywhere.” I gently tug him to sit back and continue. “Exams are around the corner and as long as we're study partners no lollygagging.”

He quietly sits back down, a little pouty, but we need to study.

I get back to revising and-

Huh? My laptop rings.

Why is he skyping me?

I stay very still, cautiously eyeing Yoosung.

“Aren't you going to answer it?”

He's angelic! I'm a terrible shrewd naggy witch. How could have I denied this sweet child his games, while he's okay with me skyping?

“Min, your laptop's still ringing.”

“Oh, right.”


“You're phone's off.”

“Yeah, like I told you it would be.”

“How was I supposed to call you?”

“Zen, I'm studying.”

“I know, but I just got off the phone with a big record label. They said they want me to sign with them.”

“That's Awesome, congratulations!”

“That's so cool, Zen. Congrats from me too!” Yoosung waves and gives him a thumbs up, sitting right behind me.

The conversation just keeps going from there. I ask about the offer and when they want him to close the deal. He asks about my studies and why I'm taking psychology when I've got my bachelors in mainly business oriented fields and that's a reasonable question. So how do I phrase this.

“Because I was ‘feeling’ psychology for my master's. Business is all good in its place and I might have been more interested when I was younger, but how does profiling sound?”

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