Chapter II

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"C'mon, just a few more shots and we are-"

In-su focuses on the angle and composition of this shot to make it the best one yet, at least, that's what he said, but we'll see. My arms and especially my legs are killing me from holding this pose for so long.


I let out a breath I was holding in. Thanking my lucky stars that I wouldn't have to do this again until next year.

The photo session was stressful, but the filming was great. I just had to skate, which is something I've done my whole life. Plus, I've been only getting better at shutting the world out, which means I hardly had to worry about the fear that creeps up my spine every time I'm in front of a ton of people.

In-su had insisted I stay longer just so I can see how the pictures turned out. Just one of the perks of having an entertainment professional, gone from gracing the front of cameras to working behind one, as a friend.

After changing out of my costume, I start wandering around the set, watching the other contestants with their makeup and hair.

Then Monika comes.

Oh. She's here. Before she even notices me, I hightail out of there. The last thing I want is to be found out.

After maybe fifteen minutes of wandering around different sets, I get bored. The sad fact of the matter is- I am at a movie recording studio, surrounded by nothing but stars and I haven't watched enough k-tv to know who these famous people are, so I do what any normal person would-

Take out my phone and take pictures of every single breathing creature that walks pass me.

Someone here has to be famous, right?

I continue my little escapade to find Korea's most known actor or actress.

Walking around aimlessly for another thirty minutes, I begin to feel that rumbly tumbly feeling in my tummy.

Seeing as I haven't eaten anything since the flight, I order a pizza which HAS to be delivered right before I have a chance to take a picture of someone who I KNOW is famous! I was about to full-on fangirl, but then, you know- Pizza~

With my opportunity missed and my hopes of survival regained, I sit on a bench outside one of the stages and start to chow down on the delicious cheesy delight.

Between bites, I notice that I was getting stares, it might have been because I'm a foreigner, because I have tomato sauce smeared on my face- I don't know- or it might be because I was sitting alone with three regular-sized pizza boxes next to me.

One box to go and three slices left, I'm about to take a bite when-


My mouth agape, cheese dripping from the pizza hovered over my face, I turn.

Yes, I turn to the voice, my eyes widen. I snap my mouth shut and bite my tongue in the process.

Bear the pain. Bear it!

One tear glides down my cheek. Bear it.

It was the person I saw earlier, a sweet smile adorns his face.

Omg. How does he get his skin so flawless!

And his eyes-

His eyes...

There's a pinch in my heart.

I swallow down the small bite I managed, "Hi." I reply, returning the gesture.

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