VII | When Rumors Can...

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"You're going to drop it."

I reach over to grab the burger from his hand, before it gets everywhere.

Yes, he convinced me to dinner, but in my defense you can blame my stomach for that... and Zen. If Jumin didn't see that picture of him, he wouldn't know who I am. I mean, all he does know is that I work with Zen and giving me no room for excuse-

"So, about that rumor." I say, sliding his plate closer. Grabbing a knife and fork.

"It's been handled, I assure you."

I cut the burger in four parts." This should help." Can't believe he's never eaten a burger before "Anyways, what was it about?"

Don't get him wrong, Jumin took me to this big fancy restaurant, but the prices! Ridiculous. Even if I sold both my kidneys, an arm and a peg leg, I still wouldn't be able to pay for anything that'll fill my tummy. So I convinced him to come here.

I've ordered from here before, so I know the food is delicious. As a bonus, it's as healthy as fast food can get, which isn't much, but hey, we all try.

"A scandal that didn't hold water. It died down pretty quickly, but it's to be expected."

"So, it happens a lot?"

"More than one would wish." he pierces the quarter piece burger with a fork, examining it. "Isn't this finger food?"

"It all goes to the same place so," I shrug. " It really doesn't matter."

He took a bite. "Like it?"

"It has an acquired taste. What I don't understand is how anyone can eat all that without dropping the contents from inside?"

"Cool. So, you like it. And Practice." I swipe my fork down, making my point. " I cut mine up out of habit. I was a messy eater when I was little so my mom used to take extra care on how I ate."

He hums in understanding, I guess. He looks too preoccupied with his meal.

In the meantime take away was ready and before you knew it, so were we.

He drove- scratch that- his driver drove me back to Celest's place.

The drive itself was a quiet one. He asked if I would consider entering the ISL championships, but no worries I tiptoed around it and we were left in comfortable silence. Well, I felt it to be comfortable silence.

The car pulls up next to Celest's house. One leg out the door, "Well, thank you and it was nice-" I stop myself.

Slowly, I turn back to look at him.

He had a hold on my hand, ever so delicately griping lightly onto my fingers. "The pleasure is mine." he kisses my knuckles, looking up at me with a smirk and a wink.

I'm just...

Just taken aback.

Scooting closer with my brow raised. "You're lucky you're so hot." I state, without a hint of interest in my tone. As I retract my hand back, "In that suit." I add before getting off.

No man will get the better of me. I smile to myself, triumphantly.

"Oh, and Miss Briar-"

What did he just-

I find myself frozen, unable to speak, think or physically do anything.

I hear a door open behind me, "Ma'am." my gaze falls to the card in his driver's hand.

Instinctively I turn around. Jumin's lips pull to the side, he- himself, not even looking at me.

My voice locks in my throat.

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