XIX | Happy Thursday!

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"Today's Valentine's Day and me without a girlfriend."

"Good morning to you too."

"May I?"

"Yeah," I move aside to give him room. " I was just finishing breakfast, want some?"

"No thanks."

Okay. I shrug and continue to the table to finish my meal.

"I don't know why you're worked up about not having a girlfriend- on Valentine's day. Like that shouldn't even be a problem for you."

"Yet, here I am."

"Yeah, here you are." I raise a brow, smile pulling and head shaking as I walk to table to finish eating, thinking in the back of my head how that answer was nowhere near relevant to what I asked.

Today I have a lot to get done for my day off of practice and going to the set. The director, who I have yet to inquire on his name, has some explaining to do.

Wonder how long he's going to be here?

It's not like I don't enjoy Zen's company, it's just that today is supposed to be all about me. From V-day to Me-day! Like it's always been.

"Got any plans?"

"So glad you asked. Today I'm going embrace my inner couch potato and sit in all day watching horror movies, after my shift of course."

"Horror movies on Valentine's day?"

"Problem? I have all day to myself and I want to watch horror movies!"

"Sure you don't want to be my leading lady for the day?"

Now Zen, 'My day off'...

"I have an idea, here's my genius at work right now-" I make a dramatic pause, because really the whole idea of Valentine's day stinks. "And exist! Grab the first girl that talks to you! There you have it. In the words of the famous Zeus - and I'm paraphrasing here- don't ask, just take. And Bam! Instant girlfriend." I pick up my plates and walk over to wash my dishes "How do you think Hades got Persephone?"

He leans against the counter next to me " Well...?"

Well, what?

"Not me! I want nothing to do with a day based on monetary gains, benefiting the tiny percentage of elites in the world." I huff. "A day where chocolate has more meaning than the person giving it, flowers have more value than the person presenting it and love being restricted as host for that day." I dry my hands and lean my back against the counter with my arms crossed. "If anyone is going to love someone, it should be everyday, not through easily and unnecessary bought items, but the way they act. I mean gifts are cool, but it shouldn't be used as a measuring unit either. So," the conversation, one sided and serious as it is, because of me, but Zen's attentive and looks equally engrossed, nodding his head, ever so slightly it's hardly even noticeable, whenever I make a good point, which is all my points. Gifts are great and no doubt you feel special and cared for receiving and glad you have someone to love and as a token of that appreciation you give, but you should feel that way every day! "if you'll excuse me. I have a day to enjoy." Right after my shift. There's a couple of things I need to grab before I can get going. I have something incredible planned.

"But, Min." I turn around and wait for him to continue. "Valentine day can be so much fun." and I'm sure he's talking from experience, but really? A day devoted to love? A day to show that special someone that you still care about them?


I still have a bad taste in my mouth about this holiday. I generally just don't like it.

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