XXX | One step forward

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Small lights, blur and flash. The lines of white paint across the dark sky. The cool night air breathing into the gap of my jacket's sleeves and neck. My body clings ever so slightly to Zen.

The engine purrs louder as the bike picks up speed, that's until we come to a red light.

As mesmerizing as the night can be, a distinct shiver crawls up my leg.

I didn't plan this. Not one bit.

Being obnoxiously cute while persuading me, I gave and went along, but this isn't my bright idea.

My eyes flicker for a second to catch the light turn green behind the dark tinted protective plastic hovering above my face.

After driving for what feels like an hour I am convinced we may be lost.

Was that... I whip my head behind to see if I can get a better look. A tedious task to do with a helmet on.

"Zen, you just passed a sign saying we're leaving the city." My fingers dig into the fabric of his jacket, just a tad tighter. "Are you sure you know where you're going?"

"Positive. Just hold on." -to dear life, as you do on such occasions.

We drive at an even and quick pace, for what seems like another hour, until he finally slows down a bit.

My eyes adjust to my dimly lit surroundings and-

I know this place.

While I take in the old 'memorable architecture of the houses. I may have an idea where he's going with all this, or simply where he's headed. He-

He just passed it.

It isn't the playground like I thought.

A few more blocks and the bike stops with a small squeak.

"We're here." He says, sounding all too excited.

I turn my head around to the other side and I get it now, there's this sudden bubble of delight in my chest. I slap the lid of the helmet up, the cool air immediately hitting my face.

"Surprise." He says in a soft voice.

My eyes study the quaint ice cream parlor. The flower plants at the entrance, have shrunk since the last time I remember. The walls, not entirely concrete, but blocks of bricks scattered across them. Huge glass windows, clear as if there weren't any. "I forgot all about this place." I admit.

"You're kidding?"

"It's smaller than I remember."

"Maybe because you were smaller when you remembered."

I don't think much into it, "Yeah. Maybe." Before I know it, Zen opens the door for me,

"This was your favorite place to drag us to after school." The bell over the door chimes as it opens. "I thought you'd mention coming here at some point."

"Yeah. I don't know. I just forgot. " I scan the room. A long counter in the front, doubling as a display. Round tables in the middle and wall sofas at the borders. It's exactly how I remember it. I turn to Zen. "But how did you remember?" I ask, making our way to the counter.

"How could I forget?" There's a tiny bell he rings, seeing no one in the front. Is this place really open? I notice him place his hands in the pockets of his jacket before a rather aged man with white hair, wrinkles, wearing a white and pink apron walks out from a door behind the counter.

"Good evening."

Zen small talks a little, to me? The man behind the counter? All I'm looking at is this picture with two little kiddies and their older brothers.

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