XXI | Poised as ever

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"You know, you don't have to guide my hands anymore. I got this." Practice. Practice. Practice. This time with a different tune.

"No." He wraps his hand around mine slightly tighter. "I don't think you do." He furrows his brow with a peek of a grin forming on his lips. Yeah, real convincing. I know you're a better actor than that.

Wherever he does hold my hands for one reason or the other, I can't help but notice how dainty and tiny my hands are compared to his. I just find it interesting.

A couple of days went by and our schedule pretty much remained the same except Zen was the one constantly reminding me to eat. Though, he never restricted me in what I can eat, he did show and voice his concern about my food choices.

After informing my brother, he's now having the house checked for signs of forced entry and possible wiretapping and bugs.

In the meantime, and since Mc is staying with Celest, Zen has generously agreed to have me as his house-guest for a while. He was actually very insistent.

With a short shake of my head. "Excuses. Excuses." My fingers dance on the keys of a piano, early in the morning at the theatre Zen has been rehearsing his play at.

"You're getting better."

"Well, I have a great teacher."

"You-" he stops mid sentence on account of his phone ringing. He looks down at his phone before facing me. "Give me a minute, Okay?"

I nod and watch him get up to talk to whoever is on the other line. In the meantime, while I wait, I perform a solo act. Just for fun.

I play my little symphony with a lot of ease compared to the first time. Zen has been a really good instructor. No matter how terrible a note suddenly interrupts my rhythm, he tells me to keep the flow. He says it's the lack of confidence, that I can really play well if I just relax.

"You disgust me."

Great~ "Somebody hasn't taken their happy pills today." I chirrup to the tune, while keeping my spirits up because what's her face decided to get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Like, what is she doing here so early anyways?

She walks straight into my peripheral view, by leaning on the beautiful polished instrument. "So, I heard you're getting around." she taunts, and just as I'm trying to focus here, I notice the grin on her face.

I continue my playing and in the most smug tone ever, "Sure you didn't pull up an article on yourself instead. I mean, mistakes are known to happen when you don't take proper medication."

For some reason that does it. Her face contorts in anger "I'm not on any kind of medication and-"

"You sure, because I was reading an article that-"


And slam.


The lid of the piano slams shut.

With so much false sympathy seeping through my words I continue, "Should I call someone to come pick you up?" there was no way on this planet was I letting her slide this time.

"Min?" Zen calls coming up behind me. "What happened? Are you okay? I heard a loud noise."

And from across me, whatever her name was again- Wow~ She 'is' good. I am no longer bothered by remembering her name because every chance she gets she still heckles me with no incentive from me, not once. I don't start these fights but you can be sure as the sky above you is still going to blue that I will end them.

Mystic SongМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя