IV | Let's talk, Disguise

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“So, are you comfortable with your character?” She gets straight to the point.

“You're all business, huh?” He sits back, an arm resting on the back of his chair.

“It's all we have to talk about, unless the hilarious mortified face you gave back on the bus is something you rather discuss?”

He retracts and sits up straight.“That’s why I don't normally travel by bus. It's a curse, Emily.”

It took her a second, and “Nope.” She shook her head, “I see we are moving on to more western names?”

“It makes sense.”

“I see,” she says pulling her phone out of her purse, starting to type. “You've done some filming with some decent ratings-  Esteban.” She holds in a laughter until it busts out a bit unexpectedly into a soft laugh. I'm hilarious wiping away what should have been tears.

Pursing her lips, a wide smile etched on her face. “Sorry,” looking at Zen, the remaining laughter dies down and she continues, “How well do you lose yourself to the character?”

“Know anything about the performing arts?”

“Maybe not the kind you're used to, but I know you have to be believable. After seeing your two co-stars back there, I have high expectations, Yong-sun”

“If I don't completely blow you away then you can change my name to-”

“Esteban?” a playful grin graces her lips. She knew, or more on the line of, hoped he was as good as everyone online makes him out to be.

“So, on to more important things.” She begins, folding the sleeves of her jacket. “What would you have done if I didn't totally save your tush?”

“What do you mean? You just asked to change seats.”

“So, you're weren't ‘accidently’-” she rolls her eyes, knowing full well that the woman was attracted to Zen and was being completely weird about it. “-sat on. It was all part of the plan and here we are without you displaying any sort of thanks?”

“What are you implying?” he says with a tone of curiosity, leaning an arm on the table.

With a brow raised, “Nothing. I just want a thank you.” She states.

“Thank you, but you know we could have taken my car and avoided the whole thing.”

“Now, Esteban, do you expect a girl that you just met to get in a stranger's car and drive off to who knows where?”

That's right~ “Hm.” He leans back into his chair, folding his arms, thoughtful and biting his lower lip.

We just met.

With a grin pulling at the side of his lips, “I guess you're right, if you put it like that.”

“Yup, stranger danger. They teach you that stuff in preschool. Survival lessons, just after nap time.”

He chuckles a little, “Okay, I think I got it.”


He looks up at her smiling face, slightly taken aback. He knew he couldn't be that obvious.

“I've always wondered.”


“How long do actors work, like, each day?”

“All day.”

She studies his face, trying to decipher whether or not he was joking from behind his glasses. “All day?” she says with a breath of disbelief.

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