Chapter 43

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Molly was holding Crystal's hand as they sat outside on a bench while Dominick finished things up with Mr. Tellinghouse.

"You're very brave for telling your story," Molly stated.

She felt Crystal squeeze her hand as she smiled at Molly, "thanks. But I don't feel very brave. I would be brave if I had gotten myself out of this a long time ago."

"Everything happens for a reason, Crystal... as hard as it is hear this... maybe you needed to go through all of this in order to come out a stronger person, to learn from it."

Crystal gave Molly another smile and nodded, "maybe you're right." Then she paused, "can I tell you something?"

Molly nodded, "sure, anything."

"I think your fiance is really, really hot and I have to admit I had dirty thoughts about him. But after I got to know you and him they went away."

Molly couldn't help it. She burst out laughing. What else was she supposed to do? Be jealous?

"Thanks for your honesty. And I completely agree with you. He is pretty hot, isn't he?"

Crystal laughed too, "where did you find him?"

"Technically in an aiport. But then he became my neighbor and the rest is history."

"I hope I find a love like yours. He seems completely smitten over you," Crystal sighed, "does he have any friends?"

Molly laughed again as she heard the restaurant door open and Dominick walk out. He turned to them and she couldn't help but notice the smile he gave her. He really was smitten over her.

"Ready to go, ladies?"

They stood up from the bench and Molly walked up to Dominick and wrapped her arms around his waist as she looked up into his face.

He smiled down at her, wrapping his arms around her too, as he lowered his face and lightly kissed her.

"I love you." Molly said and Dominick got a huge grin.

"Love you, too, babe," then he looked over her head at Crystal who was standing there smiling at them, "you ready to go meet the Williams?"

Molly smiled over at Crystal, "my parents are amazing. You'll really like it there."

They all slipped into the awaiting car as the driver took off down the road.


Crystal was very shy at first but when Molly's mom came out with cookies and a big grin, she seemed to relax.

Dad talked about baseball of course, and Molly was surprised to hear that Crystal loved baseball too. Dad instantly warmed up to her and within an hour, Crystal was laughing and looking completely relaxed.

Crystal and dad were in the den watching baseball while mom stood in the kitchen with Molly and Dominick.

"Are you kids staying the night?"

"If that's alright. I can always find a hotel nearby but..." Dominick started but was cut off.

"None sense! You two are always welcome here." Then mom froze and stared down at Molly's hand before her mouth fell open, "Molly..." she looked up between the two of them as a huge grin split across her face.

"Surprise!" Molly laughed, "he asked me when we landed."

Mom had tears in her eyes as she came around the counter and hughed Molly tightly, then she turned to Dominick and hugged him tightly.

Desires Beyond The Lens (18+)Where stories live. Discover now