Fancy dress

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*Maddie's POV*

"My school is hosting that fancy dress party tonight," I smiled at Mia over FaceTime. "The one Brad helped organise a few months ago. I don't know if he told you about it or not. "

"Are you going? Please tell me you're going to dress up as a pizza. I love pizza." She smiled at me, flashing me her pearly white teeth. Mia's gorgeous. I wish I could look like her.

"I get bullied enough at this school and you want me to humiliate myself even more? Amelia would torment me!" I was so embarrassed she even suggested that, almost offended. She didn't mean to offend me so I laughed it off.

"I was joking...check your front porch. I may have ordered you a present for tonight! Don't love me too much, Madz."

A present? I ran downstairs with joy exploding in my body. I picked up the brown box and took it back up to my room. Little things really make my day.

"Go on, open it!" She looked excited.

I tore the tape off and ripped it open, eagerly. I wanted to know what it was so badly.

"Mia! You shouldn't have!" I blushed. She's honestly the best friend I could ever ask for. She's a life saver and a queen. Literally. I pulled out a suede, black, shimmering dress and a pair of black fluffy angel wings.

"It's gorgeous!"

I loved it and for a split second I thought I could wear it tonight but then I remembered I wasn't pretty, or popular. It was perfect but I didn't want to disappoint Mia. She went to this extent to spend £80 on me just for one night only. I couldn't let her down could I?

"Mia...thank you so much but I don't know if I can wear this. The girls at school will take the mick out of me." I looked at the floor and wondered what it would be like to be admirable for just one night. A single tear ran down my cheek and fell to the floor. I wiped my eyes.

"Of course you can! It's your time to shine and strut in the spotlight!" Her eyes were glowing with hope. "Please wear it, Maddie, I know you'll look amazing."

"Let me try it on..." I can't believe I even considered it. Me? In a pretty dress? Dressing up as an angel? People would think I'm far from an angel...

The dress was short and tight, just covering my bum. The front hung low, showing my cleavage. I put on a push up bra to emphasis my boobs and a pair of black diamanté heels which belonged to my mum. I looked like a completely different person. It felt nice to dress differently. I felt powerful.

"And the wings!" Mia clapped her hands like a happy sea lion. She's crazy.

I put on the wings.

"I look completely different, but I love it!" I twirled in circles to show Mia the dress. "I look like a completely different person!"

"Now go downstairs and open your door! I have one more present for you."

I peered subtly out of my bedroom window to see my idiot best friend standing there with a humongous pink bow around her waist. The effort she goes through for me means the absolute world.

I sprinted downstairs, nearly twisting both of my ankles. As I opened my front door I dived into her arms and spun her around 6 times. She was definitely the best person in my life.

"You didn't think I'd let you go without doing your hair and makeup, did you?" She smirked. "We all know I love to do makeup on you!"

I've been a victim of her makeup looks since we were very young. She's flawless at doing makeup now but when I was in my early teens she'd make me look like a drag queen gone wrong. I was speechless. She was doing all of this for me?

"And I'm coming with you!" Mia jumped up and down with sheer enjoyment. "I phoned your principal and asked if you could bring a plus one. He said you're doing so well in your subjects so he said yes!"

Mia was a lifesaver. Literally. Who would even call up a school and ask for something like that? I didn't deserve her.

"Mia...I don't know what to say. Thank you."

I can't believe that I'm ready. Mia was such a good makeup artist. I never knew that red lipstick could really change my appearance that much.
I went from a vulnerable girl wearing huge blocky glasses and 'granny clothes' (as Amelia would like to call them) to a supermodel. Well, maybe not a supermodel. But I sure did look way better than usual. I was nervous but so confident at the same time and I was finally ready to shine.

"Are you ready?" Mia asked.

I nodded.

I was going to do this. I didn't care if Amelia and her friends said anything. I'm going to rock this outfit and have a good time with my best friend.

"What are you wearing?" I said whilst admiring my long blonde hair. I never have it down or straightened. I always tie it up. I never really knew how long it was when I straightened it.

Mia pulled out a Minnie Mouse costume and she matched it with black and red smokey eyeshadow.
I stared at her, trying to figure out why she chose that costume. I raised an eyebrow.

"What? We can't all look as good as you!"

I love her. So much.

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