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*Maddie's POV*


I have no clue what Amelia wanted to say to Dom but she looked like she was about to throw herself at him any second. Luckily for me he kept glancing over, checking if I'm still here.

Our eyes met again. His little smile made me feel warm.

"I don't feel too good," Mia groaned.

"Are you okay? What's happened?" I was concerned. I didn't want to leave. Not now. I wasn't done.

"I think I'll get a taxi back to yours and wait for you there," She held her hand to her mouth like she was going to throw up.

Mia always put me first. She knew how much I was enjoying tonight. She didn't want to take me away from the magic.

"Here are my keys. Feel free to sleep in my bed, use my pjs and help yourself to food," I said whilst tightly wrapping my arms around her. "You are amazing, i love you."

"Go get Dom before she does." Mia pointed at Amelia and gagged.

I giggled. I couldn't tell if the gag was real or not.

She stumbled out of the doors. Maybe she had too much to drink. Mia was a little lightweight.

"Your friend is hot," a voice appeared from behind me. I turned around. It was Spencer, one of Dom's friends.

"She is hot," I replied cockily.

I completely ignored his presence and went to find Dom.


It was getting late. I couldn't see Dom anywhere. I was worried that Amelia had swallowed him up with her bulgy btec lip fillers.

Just as I was about to give up looking and leave, a familiar face got up on the stage.

"I'd just like to say thank you for voting me for best costume tonight," Dom's smile could really light up the whole of New York. Everyone admired his sequinned red suit with his shirt half undone.

His voice was angelic. Which was ironic because I'm the one dressed as the angel.

"However I can't accept this honour to be up here without my other half to this costume,"

I was so ready for Amelia to strut on to the stage and flaunt her body off in her tiny hot pants. I couldn't even tell what her costume was meant to be. Did she come as a slut? Who knows.

"I only met you tonight, Bebe, but you should join me up here,"

I was shocked. For a moment I panicked. Then I realised I needed to be the confident Bebe he met earlier.
As I walked over to the stage I felt Amelia giving me death stares hot on my back. For the first time ever I got something she wanted.

"Can we have a round of applause for Bebe?" Dom's eyes were piercing mine.

Everyone was cheering for me. I wondered how many people would cheer if this was Maddie on stage and not 'Bebe'.

"You two look perfect together!" A voice from the crowd screamed.

Dom laughed and took my hand as we walked off of the stage proudly.

He leant in to kiss me again. This time it was way more passionate. 

"Now can I get your number?" His cheeks flushed a light pink.

I gave him my number.

I was living a dream.
That's until it became a nightmare...


As I took my phone out to add him as a contact I saw about 40 missed calls from my stepmom. Great.
She came to the school and dragged me home herself. She's so evil. So evil.

Im just thankful I got Dom's number before she could ruin that too.

Being Bebe was the best thing I've ever done.

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