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hey guys! an update is finally here... i need you all to do me a huge favour and follow @luxe_bae on instagram. it's my business!!! Once i hit 10k on there i'll update again, but that should be easy considering i have a lot of you guys reading this!!!!!! I love you <3

We currently have 27k on Instagram!


Tears ran down my cheeks and dripped off my chin on to Dom's bathroom floor. Or should i call him Yungblud? Or Lloyd?

I took a moment to gasp for air and calm myself down. I was hurt. I finally started to get what i wanted and now this? Besides the fact my ears were ringing, I could hear Dom sobbing downstairs. I felt so bad. Maybe he deserves to explain? Maybe i should give him a chance. What if he was a cold blooded killer? But he didn't seem evil...

I crept down the creaky carpeted stairs towards his cry which got louder and louder the nearer i got. He sounded really hurt.

"Dom?" I gulped. "Are you alright, i'm sorry-" He peered through his fingers at me. I went and sat beside him and snuggled next to him in the blankets. I moved slowly but surely.

"You deserve to explain at least," I smiled. "After all, i'm Maddie not Bebe..." My insides felt so churned up and twisted. I was scared but it was time to be brave.

"Are you sure?" He sniffed. "I feel like I've put you off now."

I nodded, pulled his head on to my lap and got comfortable on the sofa. Hopefully he didn't notice my rapid heart rate. "You haven't put me off you donut."

"My ex girlfriend was depressed, very depressed. I loved her a lot, like a friend because we always argued and I slowly fell out of love with her. In her suicide note she blamed me for her suicide, telling the world i was the reason she was unhappy. By matter of fact she cheated on me multiple times and always caused arguments. From my point of view i'm the only reason she was stable, up until....you know..."

He wasn't lying. He was telling the truth. I could see in his eyes that his soul was burning up, begging me to believe him.

"Dom, i'm so sorry i went off and-"

"Maddie, it's okay. I didn't kill her, do you believe me?"

"Yes, yes i do." I nodded. My hand slowly stroked his forehead, which comforted him. His lips twitched up in to a half smile.

I was in shock. He only forgave me for lying to him because he's living two lives too? I'm so selfish. I jump to conclusions too much...

"Shall we order pizza then?" Dom said as he stroked his hand up my thigh carefully.

"Of course, you know what i like, right?" 

He winked at me. Suddenly, he flew over the side of the sofa and skipped to the kitchen to phone the takeaway place. I felt so much more settled. I'm not sure why. Part of me still thought i was alone in a house with a murderer although i found it quite mysterious and hot, which is so weird. Was i safe? 

"Ordered you extra cheese!" He shouted from the other room.

He's goofy. I couldn't stop smiling.

Maybe i was safe...

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