Home Alone

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AN UPDATE FINALLY!!! 30 votes for the next part x


We pulled up to his house. I was nervous.

"Who's home?" I asked

"Nobody," he smiled at me.

Home alone with Dominic Harrison. Sounds good to me. However, I was honestly so scared. What was he going to tell me? My heart was racing, beating irregularly as my body sent itself into panic yet again.

He opened his front door and I was greeted with a beautiful distinctive smell. I couldn't tell what it was. It smelt like rose water.

"Want a drink?" He asked.

"What do you have?" I replied. I sat on his kitchen table.

"Alcoholic or non alcoholic?" He giggled.

"Tequila shots please!" I joked. I've always been way too forward with things I say.

He left the kitchen and came back with a bottle of tequila. Wow. He thought I was being serious.

"How many?" He raised his eyebrow.

I went along with it. I didn't want to completely be myself just yet.

"Why don't we play a game? Ask each other things and if we've done it, we shot. A bit like never have I ever!" I suggested. I wanted to get to know him a bit more. I hadn't been to parties before so i've never played games like that.

We took the bottle of tequila and a shot glass each to his living room. We sat opposite each other on his lilac suede sofas.

"Never have I ever wet myself above age 15," I asked. I regretted saying that. It was a bit weird.

He took a shot.

"Wait really?" I started laughing. 

"I had a bad dream. A dream that I was being chased by bouncy balls and it scared me. I have a phobia of bouncy balls"


"Don't even ask." He started laughing. "Never have I ever had a bad relationship in the past," he said.

I haven't had a relationship before.

He shotted. It was like he wanted me to know that.

"Never have I ever hated my stepmom."

"I don't have a stepmom," he laughed. "I know you hate yours..."

"I do, a lot..."

After ages of playing never have I ever, my head started spinning. I wasn't a big drinker. At all. I'm only used to having wine sometimes with dinner.

"Can you go in to the kitchen and close the door behind you. I want to surprise you with something." He said.

What a weird request. I went in to the kitchen and closed the door as he asked me to. I was praying it was a good surprise. I couldn't cope with another bad one.


"Come back in!" He yelled. I was nervous.

I opened the living room door. He had pushed the sofas together, put blankets on the sofas and lit up the room with baby blue fairy lights. Netflix was on the TV screen and he had takeaway leaflets sprawled out on the sofas.

"I want this to be special, choose your weapon of choice" he pointed at the leaflets.

I was lost for words.

"This is beautiful. Nobody does anything nice for me." A tear came to my eye. He was so sweet.

"What do you want to eat then?" He asked.

He handed me the leaflets to read. The options were:
Fish and chips

"I want pizza again." I said. I'll never stop loving pizza. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

"My favourites pepperoni." he stated.

Me too. ME TOO.

We ordered the pizza and snuggled up on his sofa. We put on one of Netflix's original films. I was so lucky. I was cuddling up to him. What the hell. He wrapped strands of my hair around his fingers, stroking my hair. His other hand was on my thigh. I was itching for him to move his hand higher. Just as I was certain I had ruined anything, we were here as Dom and Maddie and I was so happy.

"Maddie?" He murmured.


"I really really like you but we need to talk..."

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