Polygraph Eyes

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*Dom's pov*


I woke up facing Maddie. She's gorgeous without makeup. I've never seen anyone like her. My ex looked completely different to her. Maddie has the most gorgeous bright blue eyes, the blondest long curly hair, pale pink lips and a smile that could cure sadness. She really is special. I always knew she existed. I didn't take the time to examine her face. I never judged her, or mocked her but then again, I never stepped in when I should've done to stop it happening.  She always hid behind her rather large blocky glasses. I think she looks insanely cute in them. There was one time a few months back when Amelia was trying to flirt with me in the halls and she shoved Maddie. I wanted to shove Amelia. I hate her. She's so sour and acts like she's a princess but she's not. She clearly has nothing better to do with her time than bully people. Maddie is so much prettier than her. Amelia is too fake, with her lip fillers and fake tan which is more orange than brown. I regret not stepping in to help Maddie but I guess I was way too scared of people finding out my real identity that I wanted to blend in with Colby and Spencer. I love them both, they're my bros but they're too popular for me, too normal. They know about the singing but have no idea about Lloyd. Only Maddie knows about that and it's all down to her to keep my secret. My life is in her hands.

*Maddie's pov*


My eyes opened stiffly, revealing Dom laying on his pillow, facing me. He was smiling. Nothing made me feel as warm as seeing his face light up like that. I was excited to go to the studio today to hear some of his music. His voice is so special and he's going to go far. I had one thing on my mind though. How was he going to release the music without being tracked down? He must've already changed his looks like he changed his name and age but surely the publicity wouldn't be a good idea. I didn't know whether it was a good idea to bring that up. I just wanted today to be fun.

"You ready to get some breakfast?" He asked as he stroked the tip of my nose with his index finger.

"Actually, is it possible to shower first? I feel like I need that extra wake up call." I giggled.

I sat up. The duvet fell off of me, revealing my bare chest. I grabbed the cover and pulled it in front of me. I was embarrassed. 

"Maddie, I've seen you naked before. Please don't be insecure around me. You're beautiful."

No. Bebe was beautiful.

"Go shower, i'll bring you a towel in." He pinched my cheeks and kissed me. He left the room to get me a towel.

I went in to the bathroom. His shower was a marble walk-in shower. It was so fancy. I've always dreamed of living in a nice house. He was lucky. Or was he? I remembered he admitted to stealing money in order to move her and start over. I wanted to know more about that but I decided today wasn't the day to ask. I got undressed and turned on the shower. Once I was in the warm water, Dom knocked.

"Come in."

I turned my back to him. He came in and stared in my direction.

"Can I help you?" I asked whilst smirking.

He apologised, smiled at me, hung my towel up and left the room. He's very respectful.



We were back at the studio. I was laying on the sofa from before. It made me cringe that I was Bebe then. 

"I want your opinion on one of my songs." He patted the chair beside him. I stood up and went over to him. "It's called polygraph eyes and it's very personal to some people."

He clicked play. 

'She leaves her parents house around midnight
Meets her best mate at the shop buy some cheap wine
And go to space
See the Milky Way
Get away from the teenage everyday cliche pressure
Absent on absinthe, dancing to bad synths
Saturday night ain't about romancing anymore
Just you getting lit in the queue to the dance floor'

"What do you think so far?" He looked nervous.

"I really like it! Show me more."

'Too many blokes are getting heavy
When a girl looks unsteady
Blisters on your bleeding soles
"Here have my boots, I'll walk you home"
He walks her straight up to the front door
As she stumbles on the floor
We all know what happens next
A bit of fun turns to regret'

"I can tell it's a deep song and you're going to gain a huge fan base." I said honestly.

"That's the problem..."

Maybe he would answer my question himself.

"I'm wanted remember. I can't show my face. I was thinking of changing my style to more gothic, growing my fringe out, being more edgy. I want to create an image that young people will look up to. It's the 21st century. People can be whoever they want whether it's a boy wearing a dress, painting their nails or a girl cutting their hair short. Everyone's different and that's okay. I want to express that." 

He's perfect. He wants to do so much good for the world.

"I really like your view on life, Dom. You'll smash it."

"I hope so."

"I have a question. I wasn't going to bring it up but i'm curious." I said. Was this a good idea? "You said you stole money. What happened?"

"Maddie, i'm going to be honest with you. I don't want to talk about it. I'll give you my diary to read through. It has everything in there."

"I can't do that, it's your personal thoughts!"

I couldn't invade his privacy like that.

"Maddie, I want you to read it, it'll help explain and I want you to know." He took my hand and kissed it. "For me?"

I agreed. I felt guilty but I needed answers.

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