Back to school

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I'm currently back at school and have been for a while. Dom and I are official. Most of my school mocked him for dating me which i feel extremely bad about. Amelia is trying to be somewhat friendly with me but i'm not having any of it. To be 100% honest, school isn't half as bad as it used to be. I eat lunch with Dom and his friends, i'm less anxious in class when working with people and my grades are better! Not only has Dom upped my confidence, he has made me the happiest girl at school. Im forever grateful. 

"Hey baby!" Dom called from across the canteen as he walked in my direction. I smiled gently. "You okay?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around me tightly. 

"I'm great!" I chirped. "You?"

"Some people are being a bit off with me today..." he said.

"How comes?"

"I think it's because of this whole new 'Yungblud' look," he scratched the back of his neck.

Ever since he gave me his album, I talked him into being himself. He was worried about the change. 

"I think you look amazing!" I kissed his cheek. "Whether you have painted nails, eyeliner on, a skirt, pink socks or leather jackets...i'll always love you." 

"You two are so cute together," Colby said as he came and sat with us.

We both blushed.

"What's up bro?" Colby asked as he glared at Dom.

"I'm just nervous about releasing my album publicly tonight and this whole change i'm making." Dom admitted.

"Bro, you look sick! It's better to be yourself. After all, being yourself is the best outfit you can wear."

Colby's right. 

"We're here for you every step of the way. I'm excited for people to hear your album." I interlaced our fingers together. "I love you."

"I love you too, thank you both." He smiled. "Want to ditch the rest of today and go to my studio?"

"Sure thing bro!" Colby said.

I nodded.

We all stood up simultaneously and left the canteen. It was way too easy to sneak out of school. Ever since i met Dom, i've been a lot more rebellious. I liked it. It felt good to finally be able to relax at school and be myself. My mum would be disappointed in me, which was the only thing tugging at me telling me not to leave, but I promised Dom i'd always be there for him when he needed me.


Dom's studio brought back memories of a few months back every single time i walked through the door. I couldn't forget about the first evening we spent together. It was magical. It was unforgettable. Well...we were naked. That's all i'll say. My thoughts were interrupted by Dom sighing loudly.

"This change is a lot for me." He said as he ruffled his long black fringe. "I'm debating to dye the tips of my hair blue and pink but my mind's telling me not to."

"That would be boujee bro," Colby said. "Would be mint!"

I agreed. "That would look hot, i can't lie." I smirked at him. The look he returned to me gave me chills. I must admit, he looks sexy as a hardcore emo. I like it.

We ordered pizza and spent the afternoon having a laugh. When the clock struck 5:55pm he started to get nervous.

"The album is going live in 5 minutes." Dom was pacing up and down his studio. "I'm so nervous. What if people don't like it?"

"Don't be. Your album is flawless. It's got lots of energy, meaning and soul behind it. It will change a lot of young people's lives and they'll love every second of it." I said.

Colby agreed with me. I was slightly nervous too. Not for the same reasons as Dom but because i'm nervous he'll start getting loads of attention. What if he forgets about me?

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