Confessing Her Past

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A very quick message:

I am so happy that you guys can enjoy reading this as much as I do writing it. The support is crazy! Please recommend this to your friends. I'm aiming to hit 30k reads by christmas! Thank you all <3

I folded the crumpled piece of paper, which was once my goodbye, into my coat pocket. I wanted to open up to Dom completely considering he gave me access to his entire diary. I was beyond nervous to see him. The rain soaked the outer layer of my coat as I sprinted from my front door to Oak Avenue. Quickly, I hid under a large tree and began waiting for Dom to arrive. It was really unfair of me to hide away this morning. I should've invited him over and I was now kicking myself for not doing so. The rain was so heavy that it made it difficult to see more than a few metres in front of me. Finally, I saw a figure appear who was running whilst holding their hood up. It was him.

"You alright babe?" He picked me up and spun me around then slapped a kiss onto my lips.

"Yeah are you? You look a little bit wet!" I giggled. Little did he know I was about to tell him my deepest darkest secrets...

We arrived at his studio. I got really bad deja vu from when we were there last time. I forgot about this side of him as I could only think about Jasmine and what happened to him. I've been so fixated on it that i forgot about the good things.

"What's wrong?" Dom took my hands in his. I was shocked by him asking as I was in the middle of a daydream, lost in my own thoughts.

"Oh err- nothing, why?" I shuddered. I'm so stupid.

Dom raised an eyebrow and smirked at me. "I can tell something's up, tell me."

I suppose it was time to explain my past to him. After all, he gave me his entire diary, it's only fair.

"Can we sit down?" I felt like I had a lump in my throat. I was terrified he was going to judge me. The only person who knows about my past is Mia. I've never been comfortable opening up to anyone else. We sat down on the sofa amongst the blankets and cushions. It was just as comfy as before. "I want to tell you about my past..."

Dom would've never have seen anyone looking so nervous in their life. I hate getting emotional in front of people and my eyes were already watering. He must've noticed me getting fidgety because he placed his hand on the side of my face and stroked my cheek. I must admit, it felt nice. He seems so supportive. I took a deep breath and prepared to explain.

I handed him the crumpled bit of paper. He tried to open it. I stopped him.

"Wait. Please beware that when you read this your opinion on me will change...forever."

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