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I had no idea that Dom went through that. I've only read one page of his diary and I can already tell his past life was difficult. When you've got your own problems it's hard to cope when you constantly have someone dragging you down. I sympathised with him. His diary held so many secrets that I was hungry for but part of me was telling me to starve. I felt intrusive. Dom gave me his diary to read so I could get to know him better but now I feel disrespectful getting engulfed in his past. I really like him. I like him a lot. Part of me is scared he won't want a relationship because of Jasmine. He's acting like he does want a relationship but what if he doesn't

"Morning sweetie,"

My dad opened my bedroom door and came in with a tray. On the tray was a full english breakfast. It smelt luscious. 

"What's that?" My dad pointed at Dom's old, dusty diary on my bed. I quickly picked it up to save him from trying to open it.

"It's an old diary of mine. I found it whilst cleaning out my closet." I didn't like lying but I didn't want dad knowing about Dom...not yet.

He placed the tray on to my bed, smiled and left my room. It was nice to have him home for once. His next business trip was tomorrow for a month. I prefer it when he's here so he can keep my rude, selfish stepmum under control. 

Dom's so sweet

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Dom's so sweet. He has such a caring personality that he hides away from everyone. I'm so lucky to have him even though I don't have him. I threw myself under my duvet, picked up Dom's diary and started reading.

~Diary entry~

My parents who once loved me endlessly and supported me, my music and all of my decisions have turned against me for the first time in my entire life. Jasmine told my mum that I hit her today. Jasmine grabbed both my wrists in anger so I threw her on to her bed. Little did she know my wrists were sensitive from bad decisions that I made the night before. It wasn't her fault. I'm not blaming her. My body reacted and threw her onto her bed. I still don't know how that counts as 'hitting' her but my parents believed her. Jasmine is manipulative. She always has been. When I got home my mum came running over to me with the angriest look on her face. It went something like this...

"How could you?!" Tears ran down her face. I was confused. I looked over at my dad who was covering his eyes with his hands shamefully. What had happened? What had I done?

"What's happened?" I backed away.

"You're a monster!" My dad held my mum back from me. She was going crazy. Betrayal swept through my whole body, stabbing me like it was a knife. I hadn't done anything wrong! "GET OUT NOW!"

I turned around and ran back outside. Being shouted at was one of my least favourite things especially when I hadn't done anything wrong. At this point I had no clue what they were on about. I took a walk by the river near my house trying to figure out what I had possibly done wrong. I sat under the willow tree to shelter from the pouring rain which had already soaked me head to toe. I sat on the root of the tree and glared out into the foggy field in front of me. It was quiet. All I could hear was the sound of rain splatting on the leaves of the tree and in the river. I rolled up both of my sleeves. I quivered as my sleeve got caught on a loose scab. I regretted doing it. I promised myself i'd stop. Mental health is such an issue in today's society. I wanted to express how it made me feel in a song so I got out my notepad and jotted down some ideas being careful not to let any rain land on the paper. I was interrupted by my phone vibrating.

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