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It was true. He killed her. I dropped the diary and it bounced off of my bed onto the floor and fell like it was in slow motion. I should've read this before. Why did i run back to him? I was going insane. My phone vibrated and my heart backflipped until it stopped.

'It was nice seeing you'

It was Dom. I screeched and threw my phone across my bedroom. He killed her. HE KILLED HER. I ran in circles trying to figure out what to do. I cannot for one second believe it but he wrote it in his own diary?! There's one thing i can't get round my head.

Why did he let me read this?

Why did he give it to me?

Does he know this is in here?


I needed to calm down. I sat on the edge of my bed and panted like an obese dog. I never thought i'd be in this position. I started off as an irrelevant girl who got bullied and have ended up being somewhat popular at school because i'm in love with a PSYCHOPATH!!!!! What was i thinking? This is why you don't fall for hot guys. This is why you stay boring and never mess with people out of your league! This is exactly why Bebe should've never have been born!!!!



Why's he texting me still? Oh. I didn't reply. I picked up my phone and began smacking the screen with my reply.


Oops. I didn't think! God's sake, Maddie now look what you've done! He's going to come for you!!!!!! I need to leave. I need to escape before he finds me. I ran over to my chest of drawers and pulled out all of my clothes and started to shove them aggressively into my bag. I grabbed my toiletries and my charger and shoved that on top. I glanced out my window to see the weather. It was somewhat sunny so I decided to leave my coat. I slammed my door and ran downstairs. Luckily, I was home alone so my stepmum can't stop me. I turned the corner down my stairs and was faced with someone standing there. Maybe she was home? I walked a few steps closer and to my was Dom.

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