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I held my fists up to Liam and he chuckled. "If you guys are gonna fight can you not do it in front of the tv?" Harry asked and tried to watch the tv. As I watched Liam I went over and unplugged the TV from the wall. Liam took a step tword and and I stepped back. "You cant just run" he threw his arms up and I took a step tword him. "Good" he nodded "but reckless" he took a big step tword me and swung.

I ducked just in time and he was off blance for just a second. I pushed him away from me and he turned back around. "Never push you opponent away. You want them close so they cant strike again" he told me and swung again. This time his fist connected with my jaw and I was shocked. I spit out some blood on the carpet and put my hands back up. "Not on the carpet" Louis scolded me and Liam laughed. "That punch is when Niall tapped out" Liam told me and I looked over at Niall. "It was like the third punch. They hurt" Niall crossed his arms.

The side of my face did hurt but I wasn't gonna let Liam off for knocking me out with a freakin waffle. I took another step and tried to defeat him with my mind, which didnt work and it probably just looked like I had to shit. He lunged at me and I ducked and rolled over to the couch. "Grab her!" Liam yelled and Harry and Niall grabbed me. I looked over at Harry and then Niall using puppy dog eyes and they let go. "Hey!" Liam threw his hands up and I lunged at him.

Even though he was a pretty heavy guy I managed to throw him to the ground. I got on top of him and punch him as hard as I could. He looked shocked for a moment before grabbing my wrist and flipping is over. "dont let him win" Harry shouted and Liam gave him a dirty look. I tried to wiggle but I knew he wouldnt hive me the same chance as last time. I looked around but nothing was in reach. So I headbutted him. And fuck did it hurt like hell.

"Shit" I held his head and rolled to the ground. "What the hell" he looked at me and rubbed his forehead. "You drugged my waffle" I shrugged and he grabbed my ankle and pulled me to the floor. I kicked my legs at him and got him in the stomach. He winced and looked at me. I hopped off the ground and held my hands out. "That's exactly what Harry did after the first 10 minutes. Did I win?" Liam laughed and I took a small step toward him.

I shook my head and went for the center of his body. "No the legs!" Niall told me but it was to late. Nothing happened then I tried to knock him down. "Wrong choice" he laughed and grabbed my wrist. He pushed me to the ground and grabbed my other wrist twisting it at an angle that really hurt. "Liam!" I screamed and he sat on my back and my face was pushed in to the carpet. "This is not fair" I told him and turned my head to look at the other boys.

"Do you think your enemy is gonna stop trying to kill you because your a girl, or it's not fair?" He asked me and I heard the door open. It hit Liam and he faltered for a second. "I have pizza!" He exclaimed and I took that chance to get away from Liam's grip. I pushed up on my elbows and Liam fell to the floor. "Oh shit. Y/n are you ok?" Zayn asked worried and Harry grabbed him. "There doing the thing" Harry told him and he sat down on the couch.

"Oh. Who's winning. How far have they gotten?" Zayn asked excited like it was some video game. I stood up and let Liam lay there in pain for a second. That door really sounded like it cracked his head. "I personally think Y/n's winning and she gotten further than I have but not you" Harry continued and Zayn sat back with the pizza box and watched. "She is so not winning. I'm going easy on her" Liam jumped up and I took a step back.

"Then dont" I raised an eye brow and he smirked and nodded. He walked toward me and swung. I ducked and stood up just in time to get one right in the stomach. I winced and kept backing up. "Dont hit the tv!" Louis yelled and I hit the wall. "You've gotta hit back!!" Zayn yelled and I swung. I missed and he got another hit on me. I squatted down and kicked his legs out from under him. He fell to the floor, and when he looked up at me his nose was bleeding. "Fuck I think you broke my nose?" He said a little angry and winced as he touched it.

"Do I win yet?" I asked and smirked and I heard the other boys laugh. He grabbed my leg and I screamed. He sat on top of me and punched me. "This is where Zayn tapped out" I heard him said through punches. I tried to block my face, and I got a couple punches in but not enough to knock him off. "Liam" Louis sounded worried.

Liam rapped his hands around my neck and squeezed. I could feel the life leaving my body and I tried to pry his hands off me but it was no use. "Liam stop!" "Liam your gonna kill her" "Liam!" The boys called and I put my hand up to stop them. I looked over and this time there was something. The tv power cord. I grabbed it and wrapped it around Liams neck.

He looked more shocked than I was and his face went pale. His grip started to loosen and I took in a big deep breath. I held the cord tight and got out from under him. I took in big deep breaths and Liam fell to the floor. I pulled on the cord and sat on his back. He tried to hit me and get the cord off from around his neck. "No way" I heard Zayn whisper. "Say I win and your sorry and I'll get you go" I told him and he nodded frantically. "You win you win" he coughed out as I aloud him some air.

"And?" I demanded. "And I'm sorry. I'll stop with all the shit" he coughed and hit his hand on the ground. "Great thanks" I let the cord go and got off of him. He rolled over and I stood over him. He closed his eyes and tried to slow his breathing. It was quiet for a second for a moment before I helped Liam up and we all went to the kitchen.

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