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We got back home and I changed in to jeans and a t-shirt, but then we were back on the road. The boys said we couldn't go to the normal house and that Sam wanted us to go to a closer one to him.

We got to the house and I jumped out of the car. I streached and Liam got out of the car and smiled at me. "Go inside and get the rope in the closet near the bathroom" Liam pointed in the house and I nodded. I walked inside and walked to the bathroom. I got the coil of rope and the boys were dragging in Miller.

"Get a chair" Niall called and I ran and put one in the living room. We tied him to the chair and we all sat on the couch with a sigh. "Hey I looked at that footage that you recording going though the house" Zayn told me and I looked over at him. "Yea?" I asked and he nodded. "You handled your self really well" he told me and I smiled.

"Damn shes already like better than all of us" Harry spoke. We laughed and Miller started to stir in his seat. "Oh?" I said and Miller shifted in his chair. "Shit hes waking up already" Niall laid his head back. Miller opened his eyes and looked around, and then he saw us. He started to panic and try to move from his restrained point. "Who are you. Where am i" he asked nervously and looked around. "Please let me go" he cried and I looked at the guys.

"Stop the act we know who you are and we know you know that we know who you are" Harry said and Miller looked confused, as did harry. "Point is. We were sent to kill yea" Liam told him and he sat back in his chair.

"Please dont kill me I'll give you anything you want" he told us and I thought about what I would want. "Bet you couldnt give a life to Niall" Zayn laughed and Niall crossed his arms. "Mean" Niall pouted. "No but I can make you very rich" he offered and we all shook our heads. "Well what are you gonna do if not release me?" He asked a bit scared. "Well if you tell us what we wanna know, we'll make your death as painless as possible" Harry told him.

"Depends on what you wanna know?" Miller shrugged and I saw all of them tense up as I talked. "You were housing two people from another gang" I spoke out and Miller looked at me. "Who's gang were they in?" I asked him and he licked his lips and undressed me with his eyes. "Give me a kiss and I'll tell yea" he winked and Liam shot up and slapped his across the face. He spit out a bit of blood and he smirked. "Dont talk to her" Liam spat and Miller glanced over at me.

"I know you" he told me and they all looked at me. "Who are you?" He asked and he was searching me. Liam punched him across the face and knocked him out. "What did I just say?" He threw his hands up turned back to me. "You didnt have to do that" I shook my head and they all looked at me. "Did you see they way he was looking at you?" Louis said discussed. "Its horrible" Zayn shook his head and I was shocked to see how heated they all were over the whole ordeal.

"Well. What do we do with him now?" I asked and they all looked at the unconscious man in front of us. "Well hes gotta wake up first but then we need some answers and then we kill him" Liam nodded.

We splashed some water on Miller after we moved him down stairs. He gasped and shook his head. Liam tried to make me wait outside but I wanted to be apart of this. Liam asked him a couple questions but he just kept looking at me. Liam cut in to him and threatened him, but nothing seemed to work. "I know you" he looked at me and I walked up to him. "From where?" I asked and Zayn put his arm up to hold me back. "Your part of the stars" he nodded and Liam hit him.

"The stars?" I asked and Niall grabbed my hand and dragged me to the door. "The stars is your fathers gang. Each member had a tattoo of a star somewhere just like we have two triangles other hangs call us the two T's gang" Niall explained quietly. I heard Miller scream and I looked back at Niall. "What about your old gang?" I asked and he swallowed.

"There just the killers" he shook his head and turned his head. "The tattoo?" I asked him and he pulled down the collar of his shirt and I saw a bunch of lines. "Each line is a person weve killed" he shook his head and covered it back up in shame. "What about the other ones?" I asked and he shook his head. "You dont have to worry about any other gang except the one your in" he pointed to the tattoo on my wrist. I nodded and put my hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry" I told him and he nodded.

Liam made me go up stairs because Miller was trying to talk to me. I didn't see any trouble with that, but I still walked up the stairs and say Louis sitting on the couch. "Louis" I sat next to him and he looked at me. "How many gangs are there?" I asked and he scrunch his eyebrows. "4 main ones, and then some small ones here and there that try to rise up but they get killed off" He told me and I nodded.

"Why? Did Miller say something?" He asked concerned and I nodded. "He said I was one of the stars" I told him and he shook his head. "No. Your one of us" he told me honestly and I nodded. "Well the stars are one. And were one and then Niall told me about his old one so what's the other one called?" I asked. "Their sophisticated assholes" Louis rolled his eyes. "But most call them sticks, because that's how they walk. With sticks up there asses" he told me and I laughed.

"There tattoo is a square with another square inside it. I dont know its weird" he shrugged and tried to draw it in the air with his finger. I hummed in response and he nodded. "But your not a star. Your one of us, never forget that" Louis told me and I smiled and nodded.

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