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I walked to the front door and stood on the small porch. It was cold and I left a small trail of blood. I looked back at the door and heard yelling from inside. I walked off the porch and into the trees. After a while of walking my feet were frozen so I just sat. I laid down on the forest floor and looked up and the leaves falling off the trees.

I dont know how long I was laying there but the cold was getting to me. I couldnt feel my feet. I walked back to the house and the guys were sat on the couch. "Told you she would come back" Liam spoke and I slammed the door and walked up stairs. "Liam what the fuck?" I heard Louis yell. I sat on the top stair where they couldnt see me.

"She is already mad at you" I heard Zayn yell. I got up really quick and went and slammed my door so they thought I was in my room. "Liam what are we gonna do?" I heard Harry ask. "I dont know" I heard Liam sigh. "We need to get her back on our side or we will be the ones who are fucked" Niall spoke and I smiled. "I'm literally afraid to sleep because she might kill me" Harry spoke. "Im locking my door" Zayn agreeed.

I giggled a bit and kept listening. "Maybe we should go talk to her?" Liam suggested and I got up and opened my door and walked down the stairs with my arms crossed. I walked In to the kitchen and grabbed some grapes. I walked back out and to the stairs. "Wait Y/n" I heard Liam say. I turned and looked at him. He looked at the guys and I pulled up my sleeves.

"You were right" he told me."Your going to have to be a little more specific" I told him. "We should have told you what we were doing" he added. "We had absolutely no right to do what we did but we did it anyway" Zayn told me. "Were not asking for you to trust us for a while but as long as you know" Harry spoke next. "We are very sorry." Niall told me. "Next time we'll tell you everything" Liam spoke.

I ate one of my grapes and looked at them. "Y/n" Zayn snapped in front of my face. "Hhmm" I asked and looked at him. "Did you hear us?" Harry asked and I nodded. "You boys have a good night" I smiled and walked away. "Liam!" I heard Harry whisper as I walked up the stairs. I walked into my room and ate my grapes and looked out the window. It was raining outside, and it was pretty peaceful.

"Hey" I got a knock on my door and Harry came in. "Its just us here. Come watch tv with me" he swung my door open and i got up and walked down stairs. "Where is everyone else?" I asked and Harry patted the seat next to him. "Sam's" he stated and I rolled my eyes as he clicked through the channels.

"To give him his damn money?" I sneered and Harry didnt say anything. "Let's go get something to eat" he stood up and out streached an arm to me. I stood up by my self and we walked to one of the cars. "So where are we going?" I asked and he turned on the car and revved the engine a bit. He shrugged and we drove down the road.

We drove and he parked and we got out and walked inside this little bar. We got burgers and he was still trying to apologize. "I'm fine" I finally told him and I squinted at me. "Are you angry because you think that we think your only worth 4.6 mil?" He asked and ate his fries. "No" I rolled my eyes. "Becaus you are pricless" he ate another fry and winked at me.

"I'm mad because this all could have been avoided of Liam just trusted me." I huffed. "He does trust you, but your reaction was real. Not even you could have faked that" he shook my head. "And the hopelessness you felt was what we needed to get away with everything" he added and I looked to the side. "We didnt plan on them moving you so quickly or hurting you. We were supposed to get you out the next day but plans had changed" he told me.

"I just sat there and then my arm and then the airport" I shrugged. "Do you forgive me at least?" He asked and I took one of his fries. "Maybe. Where did the guys go?" I asked him and he opened his mouth. "Sam's" he told me. "For what?" I asked and he ate a fry. "To tell him how the mission went." Harry said. "Why didnt we have to go?" I asked and smiled. "Liam figured you would still be mad so I offered to stay" Harry finished his drink.

"You know. Once you've been around people for long enough you start to pick up on the little things" I laughed. "Just how like you answer quickly and without hesitation when you lie." I told him and he shook his head. "No I dont" he told me  "like that and you also flick your hair to the side when you lie" I told him and he took his fingers from his curls.

"Tell me what's going on" I demanded and the door chimed. He didnt answer me and I stood up. "Y/n wait" he called me and threw some money on the table. "Ok ok I'll tell you" he called and I turned around and crossed my arms. "Liam just texted me and there home" He pulled out his phone and showed me  "get in the car and I'll tell you when we get to the house" he told me. I scrunched my eye brows and walked to the car.

The ride was quiet until we got back to the house and I jumped out of the car. I ran inside and saw the 4 other boys on the couch. They all had a bag of ice. Zayn on his ribcage. Niall and Louis on there forearms and Liam on his wrist. "Hey kid" Zayn winced and I walked over to them. "What did you do?" He asked concerned and Harry walked in. "We burnt our tattoos off" Harry smiled.

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