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"No. Shes not ready" Zayn said and shook his head. "Ready for what?" I asked a bit scared. They all turned away from me and I stood there. "I'm pretty sure I can handle it. I almost killed Liam, I've been sliced and diced and even gotten shot" I cross my arms.

"But not this" Harry shook his head. "Just tell me" I demanded and they all looked at me. "You've gotta kill someone" Liam whispered. "I've killed before" I said quietly and they all shook there head. "Not like this" Zayn told me and scratched the back of his head. "Like how then?" I asked and Liam looked at me. "In a dark room. The person will beg for there life. Most likely someone who is close to you, and if you dont kill them Sam will kill you" Harry told me and I didnt know what to say.

"Some one close to me?" I asked and they nodded. "Its more mental than anything." Niall told me with a blank face and I nodded, now every scared. "Fuck" I sat on the couch and they sat around me. "Do you guys know who it'll be?" I asked and thought about people who were close to me. "Nope. Sam sets the whole thing up and it sucks" Louis told me and I rung my hands. "Who was it for you guys?" I looked at all of them.

"No clue. Some random guy. Sam said he was from enemy lines so we all killed the person" Liam told me and I sunk into the couch. "Damn it" I sighed and they didnt say anything. "Are you sure there isnt anything else I gotta do?" I looked at them and they all thought. "Unless Sam wants you to do anything else were pretty high up on the scale so not a bunch of people can tell us what to do" Liam shrugged and I nodded.

We talked about some of the shit that they had been through and it was different for each one of them. No one knew what I was gonna be put threw. "Your mother?" I asked and Liam nodded. "Shit" Harry patted Liam on the back and he nodded. "Speaking of. How do you even plan to find your dad?" Niall asked me and I shrugged. "I mean what are you gonna say? Or are you just gonna kill him?" Zayn asked.

"I dont know? I'm scared to confront him. I'm scared that when we catch him I wont be able to kill him" I shook my head and they all nodded. We talked a bit more and Zayn started to make food. I walked in there and he was singing quietly. "Said her name was Georgia Rose" he sang quietly and I chuckled. "Zayn I'm hungry" I interrupted his little concert. He whipped around and put a hand to his heart. "Dont sneak up on me like that" he pointed the spatula at me and I lifted my hands up.

We all ate food and the boys said I should go to sleep early. I stumbled up stairs and fell in my bed.


"I dont have to do this"

"They already took him"

"Sam told us too. I hope she chooses right"

"I dont think shes ready"

"But she loves him, right?"

"She took a bullet for him"


I woke up with a gun shot. My eyes snapped open and It was dark. My heart started to beat fast and I stood up. "I heard you beat Liam in the fight, and you got the tattoo" the voice spoke and I whipped around to try to look for someone. It was to dark to see anything. "Show your self!" I yelled and I heard a light switch come on and Liam was sat in a chair tied up. He had tape over his mouth and it looked like he had cuts and bruises on his face.

He saw me and I began to walk over to him, and shook his head. I stopped and got even more nervous. I heard another switch and I saw another guy in a chair. Tied up the same way but no tape on the mouth. He was beat up even worst and it took me a minute to figure out who it really was.

My uncle.

The one who had always been there for me when my dad was gone. "Y/n?" I heard him asked and I nodded. "Choose!" I heard the booming voice again. "Choose what?" I screamed and looked around. Another switch was turned on and I looked behind me to see a gun. I walked and picked it up and checked to see there was only one bullet in the chamber. "Kill one of them and you get to leave.

If you cant choose in the next 30 seconds we'll kill them both and then you" the voice said again and a huge ass timer came up behind the two men. I ran over to them and tried to get them untied. "Your time starts now!" It yelled and I shook my head. "Y/n. You've known me your whole life. Please dont kill me" my uncle pleaded. I ripped the tape off Liam mouth and looked at him with pleading eyes. "What do I do" I asked him helplessly.

The timer was down to 22 seconds. He said nothing and looked back over to my uncle. "Wheres my father?" I asked him looking back at the timer which had 18 seconds. "Your father why does that matter. Kill him!!" My uncle shouted and looked at Liam. "Kill him so we can get the hell outta here" he yelled again.

14 seconds.

"If you cant tell me where my father is your of no value to me" I shrugged and he gasped. "Were family" he chocked out. "Where. Is. My. Father?" I asked and got close to his face. "I dont know. Please Y/n." He let a single tear slid down his cheek. I looked over at Liam and he didnt look to good.

I looked back at my uncle and he had a smile on his face. "Listen here you son of a bitch. I know you know what's going on here and I dont like it one bit. I'm going to kill you hopfully get in to the damn gang and kill my father because he killed my mother" I whispered harshly and he looked shocked.

6 seconds.

"Y/n" he shook his head. "You haven't the slightest idea what's going on" he smiled and I backed up. Liam was also looking at me in shock. "Do you know where he is or not?" I asked and my uncle said nothing.

2 seconds.


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