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We got to one of the houses and Liam put the car in park. We all got out and I walked inside. I first went to the fridge and got out the stuff to made 6 grilled cheese. "You making us lunch?" Niall asked and reached for one of the sandwiches.

"No those are all for me" I smacked him and he crossed his arms. "That was mean" I heard Liam say as he walked in with the other guys. "You know what if you want one itll cost you 4.6 million dollars" I spat and they all froze. "Cause apparently that's all im worth" I turned back around and flipped over my last sandwich.

"How did you know?" Liam asked and I turned around and the the spatula at him. He tried to duck but I got him right in the face. I put my last grilled cheese on my plate and looked at them. "While I was sitting on my ass for 2 days with out food or water. . . Or any reassurance that someone was going to save me one of the guys told me" I pushed past them and up the stairs. "Your priceless sweetheart" I heard Harry call up.

"Y/n I need to check your wrist" Louis called and I kept walking. I walked to my room and slammed my door and then locked it. I ate my food in peace and I swear these grilled cheeses were touched by the Gods, they were so fucking good. I heard a knock at my door around my 4th sandwich and then the door knob wiggled. "Your wrist could get infected and you'll have to go to the real doctor and possible have to get it chopped off" I heard Louis call through the door.

"Good I hope I die" I yelled back and he knocked on my door. "Just let me in" he told me and I stayed quiet. I kicked my shoes off and hugged my knees and ate my food. It was quiet for a bit before I heard a knock on my door. "Y/n let us in. Or I'm going to kick down your door" I heard Zayn. "Bet!" I yelled and it was quiet. "Stand back boys." I heard Zayn say and I ran over to my door.

"Dont" I told them and unlocked the door and dragged Louis inside and shut the door again locking it back. I walked back to my bed and sat down. Louis walked over and set his stuff on my bed. I pushed up my sleeve and Louis grabbed my arm. "Holy shit" he gaped and twisted my arm a little to try and look at it better. "Harry said it was bad but oh my god" Louis shook his head and I looked at him.

"It was a poker thing" I spoke quietly. "What?" He asked wide eyed. "It was a hot poker. It was in the fire and he just put it right to my skin"  I said even quieter. "Im-" "dont say your sorry" I cut him off and he shut his mouth and nodded. "This is gonna burn. Try not to move around to much" he told me and doused a rag in something and held it to my arm. I didnt even flinch and he looked concerned.

"I know it hurts but I just didn't want it to rub" he told me and I nodded. He dabbed the rag on my open wound and then wrapped it back up. "Good?" I asked and he closed his box and nodded. "Thrn get out" I pointed to the door and he was about to say something but I put my hand up. "Just go" I waved him out and he walked out and closed the door behind me.

"Hey you wanna get that tattoo redone?" Liam poked his head in and I didnt say anything. "Y/n" Liam stepped in my room with a stupid grin. I picked up my plate and threw it at him. It crashed in to the wall and shattered into a million pieces. "Get out!" I screamed at him and he walked over to me. "I'm sorry ok?" He told me and I got up and walked right through the broken plate shards.

"Fuck" I shut my eyes and pulled the pieces out as Liam rushed over to me. "Y/n. What the fuck" he asked and tried to hold me up. "Dont touch me" I shook my head and pulled the last piece out of my foot and threw it at him. I walked out and walked down stairs. "What was that crash?" I heard Niall ask as he saw me.

"What can I do to fix my mistake?" Liam called after me and I whipped around him. "Do you have a time machine?" I asked him and he shook his head. "Then you cant fix it" I shook my head and turned back around. "Come on. You had to know we were gonna come back for you" Liam followed me into the kitchen. "You should have just told me!" I yelled and I saw Harry jump as I did.

All of the guys walked in to watch Liam and I fight. "If I did then you would have fucked up!" Liam threw his hands up. "Fuck you" I shouted and flipped him off. "I have one of those too" he told me and flipped me off. I was incredibly angry and I could feel the tears brimming. "2 days I sat and I didnt know where the fuck you guys were?" I screamed and looked at all of them.

"I screamed for all of you in the fucking warehouse" I yelled and Liams smirk fell off of his face. "I cried Liam and None of you could even look at me!" I screamed and a tear fell down my cheek and my voice was getting horse. I turned to the other guys. "All of you are the definition of untrustworthy" I threw my hands up.

"We couldn't tell you. What if you accidentally slipped up?" Liam asked and I slapped him. His head whipped to the side and he looked back at me after a second. "I am Not some pawn on your game board!" I yelled and shoved past him.

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