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"Damn sweetheart you can run" he panted and I nodded while breathing heavily myself. I regained my self and I didnt know where we were going but I also didnt care. "Wait wait" I stopped and Harry turned around and grabbed my shoulders. "We cant stop we have to go" he told me in a rush and looked behind him and then back at me.

"You guys sold me" I touched my wrist and his face went soft. "We. ." He shook his head. "I'll tell you everything but we need to go. Now" he told me and grabbed my hand "please" he begged and I let him drag me past some guards and to a plane door. "Harry I've never flown" I shook my head and he chuckled. "You've never shot someone or ran away from bad guys or had a tattoo either. This is the easiest thing you'll have to do today" he told me and we walked on the plane and we took our seats in the middle of the plane.

"Where are the others?" I asked and he looked around. "Liam and Niall are 4 rows back to the right and Zayn and Louis are at the front" he whispered and covered my face. "Y/n your bleeding" Harry said alarmed and I nodded. He tried to grab my wrist and I pulled away and tended to it. "Like you care" I shook my head and looked out the window.

The plane was still on the ground and my heart was still beating stupidly fast. "I do care" he told me and I felt a lump form in my throat and I shook my head and tried not to cry. I turned to him and he waited. "Harry you literally-" I stopped because I got chocked up. "Literally gave me away" I whispered out and he nodded and looked forward.

"We had to" he shrugged. "Yea and then they burned my tattoo off." I whisper shouted and pulled up my sleeve. "What?" He asked and grabbed my hand. Tears were now running down my face as he took the stuff off my arm and I turned my head. "Oh my god" Harry spoke quietly and I looked back at my burt flesh. It was red and you could see in indent where the poker had been.

"We said, they said" Harry studdered and shook his head and my hands were shaking. "In the agreement they said they weren't gonna hurt you" he looked up at me and I let out a laugh. "Said my father wouldnt like it" I told him and I pulled away from him. I pulled my sleeve back down and turned to look out the window. "I'm sorry" I heard Harry say and I shut my eyes as more tears fell. "So am i" I sighed and wiped my face.

I blinked back another wave of tears and I heard the pilot say we were at ten thousand feet and could unbuckle if we needed to streach. I stood up and Harry gave me a look. "Were ten thousand feet off the ground. Where am I gonna go?" I asked and he moved his legs to the side. I walked to the back of the plane and I saw Liam and Niall look at me but chose not to say anything.

I stepped into the bathroom and looked at my self in the mirror. Tears poured out of my eyes and I tried to keep it in. "Holy fuck" I whispered to my self as I looked at my wrist. The skin was very red and bleeding and the area around it was tinged black and was flaking off. I touched it and winced. I ran it under some cold water and bit my other hand to keep from screaming. I rapped it with some toilet paper and walked back to my seat. Harry moved again and he stood up this time.

He went to the back of the plane and i curled up in my seat. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. After we were un the air for another hour I managed to dose off.


"Come on kid" I heard someone and I shook my head. "Well unless you wanna go back to Chicago I suggest you get up" I heard the voice again and I reached my hand out. I opened my eyes and immediately pulled away from Zayn. He frowned and I walked past him. I smiled at the attendants and the pilot before getting off.

"Come on Y/n" I heard Zayn say and the other guys found me. We walked outside and I kept my head down and my arms wrapped around myself. They got in to a car and Niall opened up the door for me to get in the front. I stood there for a second and looked at him. I climbed in and Liam got in the driver side. The rest piled in and I turned to the window.

"Seatbelt" I heard Liam and I grabbed it and buckled it before turning again and looked out the window. "Y/n" Louis spoke quietly. "Hey" Zayn poked me from the back seat and I didnt say anything. "You cant be mad at us forever" Liam told me.

The whole car jumped as I took in a breath. "Actually I can" I turned around and yelled at him. "You SOLD me Liam" I yelled at him again. "Yea but-" "But nothing! There is absolutely no reason that you should have done that and then you didnt even tell me" I shouted and my voice started to crack.

"How could you possibly think that, that would be ok?" I yelled and Liam kept his eyes on the road and I looked back at the other and they didnt make eye contact with me. "That's what I fucking thought!" I chocked out and more tears fell down my face. I turned back to the window and proceeded to cry and to think.

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